Title: Realization Post by: OopsIDidItAgain on July 24, 2015, 03:07:59 PM I think I've reached a point of realization.
I made a dating profile for the sake of just making lesbian friends in the area. Lots of gay people do this since it's a lot harder to make new gay friends. I have several plutonic friends who I met from "dating sites" You know what I realized? I realized that there are girls out there talking to me like I'm a person, girls who want to actually get to know me and value my opinion. It actually felt really good to be able to hold a conversation with someone and feel like they were actually understanding what you are saying. Making new friends started as a distraction from being lonely. But it's honestly proving to be very therapeutic in making me realize that I am a valued person and people in the "dating" or new friendship world actually care about what I'm saying, and contributing in a conversation. I know it looks like I'm trying to replace her but... .damn, I just discovered something about me. |