
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Honey15 on July 29, 2015, 12:39:48 AM

Title: Life with a daughter with BPD
Post by: Honey15 on July 29, 2015, 12:39:48 AM
I have a daughter who was diagnosed with BPD three and a half years ago. I find it very difficult to have her living with me as I am unable to handle the abuse, lying, stealing that she denies, and I am finding it harder and harder each day. I am now 75 years old and would like peace for my latter years of life. My daughter was originally diagnosed with Schizophrenia 24 years ago and that was an extremely hard time to live through. However they have now decided that she was wrongly diagnosed and have come up with this new diagnose. There does not seem to  be any pills that are able to help her and while she is "normally" a beautiful, caring and loving daughter, when she has an episode of BPD life is extremely difficult.

Title: Re: Life with a daughter with BPD
Post by: Kwamina on July 29, 2015, 07:28:29 AM
Hi Honey15

BPD can be quite a challenging disorder indeed. Based on what you know about BPD, do you feel that this diagnosis fits your daughter better than her previous one? Do you feel your daughter acknowledges and understands her BPD diagnosis?

There are certain forms of therapy that have been proven to be effective for people with BPD, such as Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Is your daughter getting any targeted therapy for her BPD?

Living with a BPD child can take quite a toll on you and I understand your desire for peace in your life. To help you better understand what's going on with your daughter, I encourage you to take a look at the tools and lessons to the right of this message board. These resources can hopefully help you in your interactions with your daughter.

Take care and welcome to bpdfamily

Title: Re: Life with a daughter with BPD
Post by: lbjnltx on July 29, 2015, 08:26:05 AM
Hi Honey15,

I wanted to pop in and join Kwamina in welcoming you to the Parenting Board.

We understand your struggles and are here for you dear.


Title: Re: Life with a daughter with BPD
Post by: kelti1972 on July 29, 2015, 10:16:36 AM
Hi Honey15:

I too want to join the others and welcome you to the board.  I am 65 and have a 27 year old swBPD living with us.  I know how you feel about having peace and serenity at your age.  We kicked him out of our house months ago, when we thought he had drugs in our house, came to find out that was a lie.  However, during that time he got assessed and was in a 12-step program for a short period.  Of course he left that and even though he is in therapy, with a very good counselor, he is resisting the DBT group.  He feels it is stupid and will have not benefit  him.

He has a pattern of running before he gives things a chance.  Anyway my husband and I just told him the other day, well if you don't want to do the therapy get a full time job and move out.  Do not know at this point what will happen.  Do empathize with you and understand, hope you read all the tools on the board, there is such rich knowledge and wisdom here.  Kelti