
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: Victim1 on August 03, 2015, 12:07:04 PM

Title: Full acting out and now im the crazy one.
Post by: Victim1 on August 03, 2015, 12:07:04 PM
I am just about through she is full blown crack headed lying the whole nine yards but seriously says I need to get some help though she cannot tell me what is actually supposed to be wrong with me. I think I do just to get over this full blown insanity now. Sometimes you just want to scream or die but that isnt an option as there is no outlet for the rejection, betrayal, illogic, lies and and downright cruelty of it all.

Title: Re: Full acting out and now im the crazy one.
Post by: purekalm on August 03, 2015, 06:50:21 PM
I hear ya. My husband totally flips out, then somehow I end consoling him?  lol What just happened again? I've never put up with his illogical behavior. The very first time he threatened suicide I told him point blank if he was serious I would call the cops and get him some help and if not he wasn't gonna use that as a tactic to get what he wanted from me. I told him I love him but that I wasn't gonna play that game. I'm exhausted after fighting him tooth and nail for the last six years, not because I gave in. I needed and still need a man, not a three year old in a grown man's body.

Title: Re: Full acting out and now im the crazy one.
Post by: Victim1 on August 03, 2015, 08:28:32 PM
They are incapable of maintaining a loving relationship they see the pain and hurt they cause as always the partners or friends fault and accept no responsibility for thier self destructive addictive behaviors. I texted my final goodbye after a conversation tonight and told her she was no longer my business or responsibility. It is no contact for good now. I dont expect her to try to contact me but no matter. I know in my heart I have had enough of the punishment and betrayal that she calls love. I dont believe they are actually capable of loving in the true sense and I must find that when I am fully over her for myself because I a great person and deserve better. I dont even wish her luck anymore because she will intentionally destroy that too. They are addictive

and frankly I dont think they deserve any sympathy unless they show some willingness to work towards recovery, accepting responsibility and coping with the disorder but I dont believe they can ever function as a normal loving human being for any extended period of time. A shame if the person I knew and truely loved is not just a total fake persona, can not realize and appreciate those who truely loved and cared for them. I dont hate her though she thinks I do for I must abandon her as I promised I never would but I was faithful and honest and I have to accept that she is not capable of any of that stuff required of a true relationship or freindship. Sad and painful to me but I prefer reality to living a fiction and her love is truely a lie.