
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: Tangy on August 27, 2015, 10:08:21 AM

Title: looking for some input
Post by: Tangy on August 27, 2015, 10:08:21 AM
I would really like to put this in the leaving thread but I feel like the questions I'm about to ask make me realize I'm still waffling. We're not together right now, and in fact I think he's with someone else... .but I think "leaving" is a personal evolution... .like making a commitment to Self that no matter what they say or do you're not going back... .Anyway... .

We had a serious relationship... .3 years ... engage... .super close to his family... .a lot of the time he adored me... .until he'd have a freak out of what if... .right now it's what if I never date this girl from highschool... .how will I know what could of been... .as I'm sure soon it will turn into what if I would have stayed and had a marriage with Her (me) and he'll torture himself over that... .

After he left me because "I get in the way of him living his life" and he wanted to see what's up with her, and I told him not to speak to me unless it's about business... .he sent me an email about a concert we went to... .acted like nothing had happened... .said "don't know if you had seen this yet or not, hope you enjoy" so my question is... .was he just fishing? If he wants to be with her, why would he even bother with an email like that? I didn't reply... .and now we're over 30 days NC and I'm wondering if my refusal to reply has made him upset or what? I guess I'm wondering if he's never going to apologize and at least tryyyyy to get me back... .which at this point I don't think I want him back.

The other question is about our cell phones. I am on his plan and I want my phone number (have had it for over 10 years) I asked for him to get my off the plan when we broke up over a month ago. Still on the plan... .is there there any reason he would be hanging on to that? Or just being lazy? I know why I'm holding on to it... .#1 talking to him is entirely too triggering to me and I don't want to deal with it and #2 as much as I feel like I don't want to go back there is still a small part of me that's in denial I think

Title: Re: looking for some input
Post by: once removed on August 28, 2015, 09:50:44 AM
hey tangy 

i understand your hesitance to declare yourself "leaving", thats very much what this board is for :).

"... .he sent me an email about a concert we went to... .acted like nothing had happened... .said "don't know if you had seen this yet or not, hope you enjoy" so my question is... .was he just fishing? If he wants to be with her, why would he even bother with an email like that? I didn't reply... .and now we're over 30 days NC and I'm wondering if my refusal to reply has made him upset or what? I guess I'm wondering if he's never going to apologize and at least tryyyyy to get me back... .which at this point I don't think I want him back."

i think you can think of it as fishing, sure. you can think of it as, both poor boundaries, as well as testing the attachment. how our partners will behave toward us, whether he will apologize or try to get you back, im afraid, is out of our control, but how you will behave going forward, whether, or how you will respond, is entirely under yours, and will depend upon your decision. have you had an opportunity to read the links directly to the right on choosing a path?

"The other question is about our cell phones. I am on his plan and I want my phone number (have had it for over 10 years) I asked for him to get my off the plan when we broke up over a month ago. Still on the plan... .is there there any reason he would be hanging on to that? Or just being lazy? I know why I'm holding on to it... .#1 talking to him is entirely too triggering to me and I don't want to deal with it and #2 as much as I feel like I don't want to go back there is still a small part of me that's in denial I think"

is he paying for the plan or are you? it is possible that removing you from the plan would trigger his sense of abandonment. it is possible he is leaving a door open for contact. and its possible hes just being lazy. go with your gut on this, as all i can do is speculate.

Title: Re: looking for some input
Post by: Tangy on August 28, 2015, 11:23:48 AM
Thank you for replying. I will definitely check out those links thank you. I mean I am coming to terms with the fact that he not who I imagined him to be... .so that everytime I want him back its who I thought he was and who I invented him to be. I mean he was what I wanted a lot of the time, but it is clear that he is not able to consistently be that and can't seem to stop painting our rship black. It's weird, he rarely paints ME black... .mostly just our relationship stopping him from being who he is or whatever... .until the next time he pAints it white and it's all he wants and I'm "his perfect companion" and I digress... .

As for the plan... .he is paying for it. My gut says it's a mix between being lazy, not wanting to deal, as well as keeping that connection... .I'm honestly scared for the day he contacts me about it because I know it will trigger my abandonment wounds... .but on the flip side, I know I'll get through it.

Title: Re: looking for some input
Post by: JQ on August 28, 2015, 11:33:53 AM
Hi Tangy  

In my dealings with more then one BPD in my life, my experience / I believe that they don't have a concept of passing time no matter how long separations last, 2 weeks or 18 years. I hadn't talked to my first exBPDgf in nearly 18-20 years after a separation that could be describe as the nuclear option. I thought I would never hear from her again until after my second divorce when my BPD mother gave her my number. Because of professional reasons I can't change my number but I sure as hell can block her text & phone calls. In question to your cell phone coverage ... .I would agree with once removed in that it might be the fear of abandonment that he doesn't do it. If you're paying for the plan set a boundary & give him a 1 week deadline to change it before you remove him from the plan. It's fair, it's enough time, & you reduce your cash outflow & it will help with your emotional attachment.

Your comment of him sending an email about a concert like nothing had happened is ALL to familiar to me and others in the group. I've read more then a couple of places that when they do things like that it's quite possible that they don't really remember the actions they did or the things that they said. Remember, you're dealing with a very damaged person who has severe behavior illness. Also remember that this happened long before you showed up int he picture and that YOU didn't Cause it. You also learned that YOU can't Control it and BTW ... .YOU can't CURE it!.  After the reading & talking to a couple of people I'm of the mindset that they really don't remember negative things because of the emotional, mental, physical abuse or event that happen in their life before I was with her. It's a defense mechanism to cope with negative events in their life even as an adult. It's like that of a 3 yr old toddler ... .if they don't like what they're hearing when you tell them no you can't do that they put their fingers in their ear and yell nanannana I can't hear you and shortly there after they end up doing the very thing you told them not to do.  lol  You have to keep a sense of humor when in a relationship with someone who is BPD.  It's a behavioral thing they've learned ... .I know it doesn't make sense but nothing in a relationship with someone who has BPD is going to be normal ... .EVER!  

I've also come to believe that unless they want to get help on their own which will probably last a lifetime there will be no normalcy ever in their or your life. My exBPDgf has been going to therapy on and off for decades and is currently seeing a therapist for a length period of time. She is starting to paint me white again ... .other facets of her life are starting to calm down, not causing her so much turmoil or stress and the current bf that she's been seeing is becoming more black. I have my own theory about it ... .would love to get the group thoughts on it including yours ... .

After speaking with her more then once since we broke up ... .she has told me she's not getting what she wants from the relationship with him & had to come to this decision on her own. She also told me that she's going to have to end it, and had to come to that realization on her own as well. I asked her what she saw in him, what was attractive about the relationship ... .NOT so much him ... .but what she did she get from the relationship. She told me that was a good question ... . She told me that when she's with him, he provides for a fantasy world away from her day to day stress, frustration and day to day drama that she has with her two kids & ex-husband. His kids are grown up & out of the house, he makes very good money and they go on weekend get aways, a couple of trips in the last 12 months. It's not real she said. He doesn't want to hear about any of my frustrations & fears with the kids. He doesn't want to hear about my day at work. He doesn't want to hear me ramble about anything and everything. He's a just tell me the important facts about xyz & lets fix it. Any man who has studied relationships with a woman knows that they don't want you to fix it, they want you to listen to them.   lol  A little humor there ladies. So why he provides a atmosphere of carefree fun, no stress, he doesn't want any part to deal with the real life issues she deals with on a daily basis. SO, he's nothing but an escape. She's starting to tell me more about the kids & the new school year, a small insight to her new job. She shares a few more things then she did. Her world is becoming less stressful, less frustrating. Her ex-husband is engaged to marry, she now has a house vise an apartment, job less stressful, kids are adapting to new environments without major issues. SO his purpose of providing a fantasy world is becoming less and less. She IMHO is wanting to have something more real, more tangible, more emotional fulfilling and is sharing more with me to make that happen. Hey it's an  :thought: ... .it's a theory that I toss around. I'm very ... .VERY cautious of things going forward and the boundaries I've put in place have help a lot for me & her. She has told me that once she does call things off with him one day doesn't mean that we're a couple the next. I told her I completely agree and would not expect that. In fact I told her that we would have to have a conversation if & when we come to that bridge before I cross it. I'm already not in a relationship with her ... .I have nothing to lose by putting in a new boundary or two and asking the tough questions that need to be asked ... .but as I said ... .I haven't crossed that bridge yet.

Please come back and let us know how you're doing, what your doing and to get a   oh and let me know your thoughts on this last paragraph too ... .