
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Herodias on September 12, 2015, 12:47:49 PM

Title: Mine may be moving out of state...
Post by: Herodias on September 12, 2015, 12:47:49 PM
I just saw on Facebook that the new "supply" is planning on moving to her home state in the next year... .she actually didn't say her and her "man" like she says in everything else. I suppose he may have asked her not to mention him in it, or who knows what. It made me sad in a way that they are still making plans for the future... .but in another way, I would be glad not to have him so close anymore. It's kinda strange though... .he had me looking for houses last fall in the next state over for a few months, claiming he was being promoted, but then it all fell through.The other thing about that was that he wanted to live in the city in a nice apartment in a high rise building. This girl is from the country and wants a cabin in the woods. I was looking for a home in the suburbs. This was one of the first times I felt he may have been himself wanting the apartment... .he grew up going to NY. Funny to see the mirroring he is doing with her-   This could all be a sham with her too. But he did say to me awhile back that he could not take the distance between us, so he wanted to move away... .plus, I think he knows his job is on to him and he may need to go somewhere else with the company to start his fake self all over again to be able to get a promotion as they are no longer moving him up in this area. Maybe thinking starting over will change things and make him happy. We were talking about moving to the same area at one time as well, which is weird too.  It will be interesting what happens... .but just wanted to share. Just having some mixed emotions right now. Hard to see your husband making plans with someone else for the future when you are not even divorced. : (

Title: Re: Mine may be moving out of state...
Post by: enlighten me on September 12, 2015, 01:00:25 PM
Hi Blueheron

Mine did the same. Moved to live with her boyfriend she met online and took the kids with her. The divorce went through a year and a half later.

If it wasn't for the children I would have packed her things ad given her a lift just to get her away from me.