Title: Did your BPD ex want sex all the time? Post by: EmptyShell on October 16, 2015, 09:42:04 PM My BPD ex fiance was SO NEEDY - He wanted to be in constant contact through text and phone calls, and if I didn't respond within 5-10 min he would accuse me of cheating - plus he wanted to cuddle nonstop, make out, hug and have sex every day. He said, "We should have the same spark from kissing after 10 years together as we did on our first date!" He would put his work on hold just to have sex for an hour, I mean he would miss an important meeting just to satisfy himself. He watched porn every morning while he thought I was asleep, and he typically watched it at another point during the afternoon. I believe he 'satisfied' himself 3-4 times a day. He joined many, many dating sites for 9 months, until I caught him, and he said it was because I didn't pay him enough attention to him and he was doing it just for attention... . are BPD men extremely needy?
Title: Re: Did your BPD ex want sex all the time? Post by: Turkish on October 16, 2015, 11:14:44 PM There is probably a testoserone component regarding men, but a lot of what you say feels familiar regarding my female Ex. I wouldn't quite put her into the category of a sex addict, but in the end (and in retrospect, at the beginning) maybe a love addict. Maybe this can help:
US: When is good sex a bad thing? [romantic partners] (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=136079.0) Title: Re: Did your BPD ex want sex all the time? Post by: hurting300 on October 17, 2015, 01:12:17 AM My ex waited 8 weeks to have sex with me. I wanted sex the third date lol. We have to be careful with blanket statements. Some people with BPD are sex addicts and some aren't. My ex wanted sex all the time and would do anything I wanted in bed. But I loved it every minute of it and I don't have BPD.
Title: Re: Did your BPD ex want sex all the time? Post by: Creativum on October 17, 2015, 10:30:45 AM Yes, but mostly with other people. He would withhold sex from me, typically out of shame for his compulsive/obsessive desires and attempts to act on them. Diagnosed BPD, ADHD, sex/porn addiction, substance abuser, etc. etc.