
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Gbo1957 on November 01, 2015, 05:41:02 PM

Title: Divorcing BPD wife
Post by: Gbo1957 on November 01, 2015, 05:41:02 PM
Hey fellow suffers... .to sum up... I was married for 30 years... .now waiting for divorce  to be final from wife... .separated now for 16 months... .everything  i read fits,my relationship with her . Only she had gained over 100,lbs since married and i,walked on eggshells for last 30 years... I,left her... .My eyes,were opened, on last confrontation. Took lots of courage to leave but leaving did,not outweigh risks of staying. .lol... .I have been in recovery from addiction from drugs,for 16 years and finally free from her. When i left 16,months ago,didn't know what i was leaving just thought  she was a,mean angry woman,who,couldn't  connect with emotionally.  In fact,when i left,her i,read articles  with wifes who had resentment and,mine,had a truck load long before we met. Just this weekend i have been reading article's  on borderline personality.  This is her no doubt. It has been  a great relief And blessings to have a name with it. Alot of the,suggestions were things,i have already been,doing and it was great to understand all the,emotions i am feeling are very natural to people who lived and have left spouses with BPD. It is good to be connected with people who understand what i,feel,and have been, through.  I feel great.  But divorce court is,coming in 3,weeks,finally.  I keep  thinking she will change when i left but the,sad,truth from what I  havs read  here and experience in my own,life is she,will,not. I need,to protect myself always from her. That is,the,greatest truth to me. It is,also,good that i have,looked at myself to understand why i,stayed in emotionally  abusive relationship to long when,i,did 90,percent of the,work,in,that, relationship. .tks

Title: Re: Divorcing BPD wife
Post by: Mutt on November 02, 2015, 09:28:01 AM
Hi Gbo1957,


I'm glad that you have found us. 30 years is a long history. I'm sorry to hear that your marriage ended in divorce. I can see how frustrating and emotionally exhausting that would feel like when you're doing 90% of the work in your marriage. You don't have to go through this alone, it helps to talk to members that have walked a mile in your shoes.

Do you have any kids? How are you coping with divorce court in 3 weeks, is there a lot of drama?