
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: GreenEyedMonster on November 10, 2015, 04:56:16 PM

Title: What's the worst thing your ex did/said to you that they later "spliced"?
Post by: GreenEyedMonster on November 10, 2015, 04:56:16 PM
I'm just curious about the range of behavior possible for pwBPD.  My ex recently mailed me a letter threatening me with a PPO, and for a while, I figured this was the nail in the coffin, that he would not attempt a recycle after this.  However, since then I've learned that he's watching my social media accounts multiple times per day, so clearly something here isn't finished.  Has anyone else's ex "spliced" out some really horrible behavior and shamelessly come back for a second round?  What's the worst you've seen?

Title: Re: What's the worst thing your ex did/said to you that they later "spliced"?
Post by: OnceConfused on November 11, 2015, 01:49:47 PM
Perhaps your BPD checks your social account to see (1) if you are still ISOLATED, i.e., you can still be controlled by BPD, (2) if you are desperate because you have NO others in your life.  This gives BPD a sense of superiority and control -- like the owner kicked the hell out of their dog, but the dog still comes around - that gives the owner a sense of total domination.

Title: Re: What's the worst thing your ex did/said to you that they later "spliced"?
Post by: GreenEyedMonster on November 11, 2015, 03:37:12 PM
That's the thing.  The only site he tracks me on is a social event site, so what he sees is that I'm going out with our mutual friends several times per week . . . not isolated at all.  I think it irritates the heck out of him that I am going out with OUR friends and he is not, but he believes me to be a psychopath stalker, so he *has* to stay home alone with his cats.  He can also see that I'm attending speed dating events and meeting new men in a lot of different settings.  So in short, viewing me on social media would do anything but give him a sense of control.

There does seem to be a pattern to his stalking.  He only checks the groups that I'm not in to see if he's being stalked when I'm painted black.  When he feels abandoned, he begins to check the groups for dating, etc. to see if I am with other people.  Right now he definitely believes himself to be stalked and I am painted black.

At any rate, to get back on topic, I have seen several posts here now in my searches where people have been threatened with a PPO only to have a recycle attempt later on, so apparently I'm not off the hook.