
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Lonely_Astro on November 17, 2015, 08:08:09 PM

Title: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Lonely_Astro on November 17, 2015, 08:08:09 PM
This was brought up in another thread, so I'm going to start it.  Thanks go out to MSNYC for the idea.  Use this thread to say the things you wanted to say to them but either couldn't or wouldn't.  Let it out, let it go!

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Schermarhorn on November 17, 2015, 08:19:55 PM
I'll never fully understand what happened, and I'll never know what you were feeling during our relationship. I'm sorry for the hurtful things I have done. I wish it could have ended differently.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: hopealways on November 17, 2015, 09:30:50 PM
"This cycle will always repeat until you get help and heal." Actually I did say that numerous times to deaf ears.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Beach_Babe on November 17, 2015, 10:21:55 PM
"I hope you choke on your Kentucky Fried Chicken."

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Michelle27 on November 17, 2015, 10:28:06 PM
"This cycle will always repeat until you get help and heal." Actually I did say that numerous times to deaf ears.

I said a variation of this too.  The answer I got would have made any skeptic believe that he was sincere about getting help and wanting to change his ways.  He assured me it had nothing to do with me wanting him to get help but that he wanted it.  Yeah sure... .the minute I told him I was done, he quit all of the stuff he was doing:  Stopped DBT, stopped CBT, disposed of his DBT and CBT books, didn't show up at his psychiatric appointment he got referred to by our doctor and stopped going to his men's group.  And of course, got a gf he showered all attention on and who believes he's the best thing since sliced bread.  

As far as what I want to say, I want to tear a strip off him for all of the lies I discovered after he left, some that he kept up for the whole 15 year relationship.  Honestly, and I feel a bit bad for this, but I want to humiliate him so he really feels the shame that all BPD sufferers feel so that maybe, just maybe, he'll finally get some help.  Not for me... .I've moved on and would never recycle or even be friendly with him... .but for our kids' sake.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Beach_Babe on November 17, 2015, 10:30:52 PM
Take a shower.

When you hit your head in public, you look like a lunatic.

1-800-Jenny. Call today.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Ren12 on November 17, 2015, 10:54:39 PM
I keep reiterating a thought.  The blow ups were never about me, it was always about the pain you had inside.  I could never help you with that, nor was I equipped to. I look at my health issues of the past as a blessing.  It was as if someone was looking down on me, knowing that I did not deserve what I committed myself to, knowing it was just a matter of time for you to leave, but that is what chronic stress is, your body telling you something is not right.  I think deep down you know why I had to walk away from you.  This is what everyone that gets close to you does, right?  I can't imagine that feeling of needing to flee a person that you had love for, but who got too close, or knowing you could not change.  A lot from our relationship does not make sense to me, nor will I ever expect it too. 

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Teereese on November 17, 2015, 10:59:45 PM
I'm sorry.

I should have heeded your warning all those years ago and saved us both the heartache and pain.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: letmeout on November 17, 2015, 11:34:48 PM
I would be wasting my breath telling my ex anything because he can not hear anything but the voice in his own head.

LOL Beach Babe about the chicken, that cracked me up!

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Beach_Babe on November 17, 2015, 11:52:59 PM
Letmeout:  I have fond memories of him licking his fingers after every bucket, then wiping it on himself. Classy.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Anise on November 18, 2015, 02:11:52 AM
When you hit your head in public, you look like a lunatic.

My husband does this as well.  I know he does it to relieve stress, but he doesn't seem to understand that it's not a healthy behavior.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Mr Hollande on November 18, 2015, 02:35:35 AM
Most of what I had to say I've said. I haven't been kind and nor should I be. There is no reason why I should spare her or her feelings if she decides to make contact.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Moorwen on November 18, 2015, 03:05:48 AM
Last message i sent her was: I forgive you.

Not in meaning she can come back, but that i have moved on, and i have. :)

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: MakingMyWay on November 18, 2015, 06:52:25 AM
I always thought I was the problem. Whenever you were depressed I blamed myself. It wore me down so much. I was anxious, depressed, always worried about how my actions might hurt you. But I didn't want to tell you this stuff because you hated yourself. I was terrified you would go back to cutting yourself. I was scared to talk to people about it in case they thought you were crazy. I wanted to save you, but you didn't want to be saved. I learnt that the hard way.

You need help and no amount of my or anybody else's love is going to fix you. Everything I tried while we were together was useless, it never helped. I hope you get help one day, but I'm not going to be your caretaker any more.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Michelle27 on November 18, 2015, 07:52:28 AM
One thing I DID tell him in our last conversation, when I told him we were done is that I am grateful for having gone through what I did in our relationship as it made me dig deep and become a better person than I was before.  I actually thanked him for that.  I know he'll never understand it, but I'd probably still be stuck in my own patterns of low self esteem, being there for everyone else except me, and not taking care of myself or acknowledging my own needs. My BPD ex was my 2nd abusive marriage and I know I have a role to play in allowing that.  What I learned in that marriage was invaluable as far as never ending up in that kind of position again.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: oceanblue on November 18, 2015, 08:05:10 AM
I still have strong emotions about my ex at times.  Mostly anger for being a selfish jerk.  And some vindication that two years after it was over, his life is a trainwreck.  He used to blame everything that went wrong in his life on me but two years after we ended it, his life is worse than it ever was with me.

I hate to say I am still angry at times but it's true.  So, I think most of what I would say would come from anger: Maybe it wasn't me causing all the problems. Maybe you are the one who should shut up and listen for once. Maybe I wasn't the crazy one.  I hope the next time you rage at someone, they call the police.

The other thing I would say would come from love and pity - please get help.  It's sad to live a life in pain.  With help, things will get better. 

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Hopeful83 on November 18, 2015, 01:25:27 PM
The thing that pains me the most is that you tried to destroy the three years that we had together in order to justify your actions and your new agenda. And despite everything you've put me through and despite the horrendous breakup, over the course of our relationship there have been so many beautiful moments that I'll always cherish - no matter what you said and did in the end. We were partners in crime, we were planning a future together. You held me in your arms every single night and we fell asleep as one. You cared for me when I was sick, pulled me up when I was down, made me see that I could really achieve whatever I put my mind to. You loved my family as if they were your own, we travelled the world together, I saw the glint in your eye when you realised that photography was your passion and you wanted to pursue it as a career. We had our own separate issues, but what was so magnificent about our union was how we both showed each other different ways of thinking and being. I showed you how to lead a life that was free without having to worry about what your family or people from your culture thought. You showed me how to love someone and break down the walls that I had built around me.

It wasn't perfect, but it was us. And you brought it crashing down in an instant.

I know I have issues that I need to tackle, but my issues aren't what caused us to end. I have witnessed your rage get worse and worse. I have seen you hit your head repeatedly out of frustration. I have seen you tie a belt around your neck and threaten to kill yourself. I'd always despair at how my loving, caring boyfriend could switch in an instant. I always attributed your behaviour to what that monster did to you when you were a child, and I believed you when you said you'd get help, which is why I stayed with you for so long. This is another reason why I cannot believe you turned your back on me so easily after everything we went through. And what pains me the most is that you turned round and essentially told me that our whole relationship was a lie (I know that it wasn't, no matter what you say now).

I'll never believe the reasons you gave for the breakup, and some day I hope you'll face up to the truth, too, because that's the only way you'll get the help you need. But I fear for you, A. I really do, because I can only see this ending in tears for you.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Mr Hollande on November 18, 2015, 04:53:21 PM
That's a very eloquent and dignified post, H83.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: drv3006 on November 18, 2015, 06:45:48 PM

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: 13YearGoodbye on November 18, 2015, 07:36:06 PM

I wish that you would have yourself tested for BPD.

I wish that you would attend DBT sessions.

I wish that you would be honest with your doctors about how much alcohol you drink.

I wish that I could get my stuff without facing a dysregulation rage.

I wish that you'd try to get better so that you could help your kids.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Anez on November 19, 2015, 12:18:20 AM
I'm not going to text you or email you right now even tho I want to. And I'm not going to check your Instagram.

You know what you've lost, Danielle. And it hurts you, no matter how you're spending your time right now.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Hopeful83 on November 19, 2015, 12:51:44 AM
That's a very eloquent and dignified post, H83.

Thank you Mr Hollande. It was actually really cathartic to write it. I cried when I read it back to myself, though

It also helped me 'forgive' myself for staying with him for the amount of time that I did. I was angry with myself for a while, but when I read this I remember that it wasn't all bad. There were many, many good things about the relationship and I genuinely did love him. The bad, however, won in the end. That's what happens I guess when people don't seek the help that they need.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: emergent on November 19, 2015, 06:33:00 AM
I always thought I was the problem. Whenever you were depressed I blamed myself. It wore me down so much. I was anxious, depressed, always worried about how my actions might hurt you. But I didn't want to tell you this stuff because you hated yourself. I was terrified you would go back to cutting yourself. I was scared to talk to people about it in case they thought you were crazy. I wanted to save you, but you didn't want to be saved. I learnt that the hard way.

You need help and no amount of my or anybody else's love is going to fix you. Everything I tried while we were together was useless, it never helped. I hope you get help one day, but I'm not going to be your caretaker any more.

This is totally what I'd say now if I thought there was a chance of being heard out. I got to a point where I felt so helpless trying to get you out of your misery that I could not go on trying. I realized that there was nothing whatsoever I could do, no matter how careful and attentive I strove to be. How I wish there had been... .

What I wish I'd been able to say a million times over the 15 years we were together (made me laugh reading drv3006's comment) is SHUT UP. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP. 

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: English Sid on November 19, 2015, 08:09:58 PM
Thank you so much for finally letting your mask slip and opening my eyes. Why on earth would I want a lying, cheating, thieving, BPD psycho whore in my life.

Life is now sweet.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: zundertowz on November 20, 2015, 10:58:52 AM
I think I said what I had to say, since I was already being accused of being a abusive psycho I fired off a few emails that told her what exactly what I thought of her.  I was drunk those times so I suggest not drinking in the immediate after math of these relationships.  Wish I would have taken the high road but whatever.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: cloudten on November 20, 2015, 02:50:42 PM
I'm sorry that I made your biggest nightmare come true---- but its mutual because you made my biggest nightmare come true too.  We are each other's nightmares.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: cloudten on November 20, 2015, 02:51:52 PM
I think I said what I had to say, since I was already being accused of being a abusive psycho I fired off a few emails that told her what exactly what I thought of her.  I was drunk those times so I suggest not drinking in the immediate after math of these relationships.  Wish I would have taken the high road but whatever.

Haha... .yup I have gotten drunk and fired off a few choice words myself. Her accusing you of being an abusive psycho is projections... .she is the abusive psycho.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Herodias on November 20, 2015, 03:29:19 PM
I agree with this one... ."Thank you so much for finally letting your mask slip and opening my eyes. Why on earth would I want a lying, cheating, thieving, BPD psycho whore in my life."

I hope you really are happier now that you are a redneck and poor... .funny how you had to have the best of the best of everything when you were with me! You had everything you could have ever wanted and let it all go for sex and booze! You deserve what comes your way and I deserve much, much better... .as you told me. No more expensive Xmas gifts from me... .Hope you enjoy your new broke girlfriend! Hope she cheats on you like she did on her husband! Hope she can handle all your "incidents" that you always had with me for years... .especially at Xmas.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: hopealways on November 20, 2015, 08:50:21 PM
"I should have said no when you asked early on if I was sure I wanted to be with such a troubled woman."

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: letmeout on November 22, 2015, 12:14:22 AM
I am sure we had some good times in our 35 year marriage, but now whenever I think of you all I can remember is the image of your distorted face as you raged like a lunatic.

I guess I saw it so many times that its something that can never be erased. On a good note, it ensures that I will forever maintain no contact with you.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: JSF13 on November 22, 2015, 02:06:55 AM
This is what I said:

My guess is you are gonna make this hard. So no problem. Thank you lying to me and others for the entire duration of knowing you. It goes to show the type of person you are. You may be able to fool everyone like you so sickly brag about but you have to live with yourself. It was nice to find out and see first hand that it was you. I honestly don't even know what you've told me about any of your life to be true and my guess is this is why you run. You were right. We are not the same. We don't believe in the same things and it's you who's moral compass is very off. We may have met wrong and I may have not been so forthcoming after July about Brittany but I never cheated on you. The lies that spill from your mouth are just that. Lies. The abortion that you chose, you telling people I put my hands on you, stealing your money, lying about your interactions with people, the hat incident and other miscellaneous tales. You may have fooled a few of my friends temporarily but it all came out in the wash as it always does. I don't know how you live with yourself and what you do to people. What gets me even more is that i genuinely loved someone you fooled me into believing you were that clearly you are not. You will have insurance on your car for a few more days till I switch companies since it's the only way I can get you off my policy. Please do not interfere with my life past this. You have done enough damage and I do not want to have to escalate this into a legal matter. I hope someday you find peace and honesty in your life and don't hurt anymore people along the way.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: alwaysT_Time on December 04, 2015, 03:38:08 PM
The way everything became my fault was not cool.

The way you forgot certain things and denied them was not cool.

The way I had to walk on eggshells and did not feel safe sharing my true opinion was not cool.

I don't know if you were drunk or not when you wrecked my car, but either way, when you said you didn't feel guilty about it was not cool.

The way every time I agreed to reconnecting was not cool.

Be well. Take care.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: FlyFish on December 04, 2015, 07:04:09 PM
I gave you all of my heart. And I now realize that you could not do the same for me. And because of this there will always be a part you that is entrenched within me. You were right when you stated "I was to good for you" even though I never believed it myself. I still don't. The love we shared was magical and I fear I may never feel that way again.

Through all the sadness, betrayal, hurt, anger, and confusion you put me through I forgive you. And more importantly, and much harder, I have forgiven myself. You truly let a beautiful love slip away. Deep down somewhere you know this to be true. I hope one day you realize what I gave to you as I know you have never been given that before.

Please stay strong and remember the magical times we shared.

Farewell. I miss you and love you.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: steve195915 on December 04, 2015, 07:32:57 PM
Mostly I have a lot of questions but I know it would be fruitless because they don't have a normal mind, they can't acknowledge fault or guilt sincerely.  Their actions are irationale so how can I expect a rationale answer.  I mean how can one day they tell you how great you are, how much they love you, say they will always be there for you, make love like you never experienced,  then the next day over nothing they say they're done and next thing you know they're with someone else and not experiencing any pain or remorse in your relationship breaking up when you felt you had the deepest love and connection ever possible? 

I need to accept its just the mental illness and learn to never get involved with a pwBPD like that again!

So if I had to say something I'll go along with "I hope you choke on that chicken bone!".

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: cosmonaut on December 04, 2015, 08:19:27 PM
I am so proud of you.  I never told you that enough, but I am.  You make me so proud.  You were such a light in my life.  You have brought me so much joy.  All of the best memories of my life have you in them. You were the highlight of my life.  Thank you.  Most of all, I love you.  I love you so, so much.  Always.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: disillusionedandsore on December 04, 2015, 08:35:51 PM
Who the hell are you? You scare me. So many useless,  pointless lies... .Tragic.

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: StateofShock on December 04, 2015, 10:32:47 PM
I mean how can one day they tell you how great you are, how much they love you, say they will always be there for you, make love like you never experienced,  then the next day over nothing they say they're done and next thing you know they're with someone else and not experiencing any pain or remorse in your relationship breaking up when you felt you had the deepest love and connection ever possible? 


Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: steve195915 on December 05, 2015, 12:36:03 AM
I mean how can one day they tell you how great you are, how much they love you, say they will always be there for you, make love like you never experienced,  then the next day over nothing they say they're done and next thing you know they're with someone else and not experiencing any pain or remorse in your relationship breaking up when you felt you had the deepest love and connection ever possible? 


They can't answer that question because there is no sane logical answer.  The truth is they have a tragic mental illness.  They can't comprehend what they did and are doing so certainly can't explain why. 

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: JohnThorn on December 06, 2015, 06:48:34 AM
"Starting up contact with you again after more than a year set me back in ways I could have never anticipated."

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: steelwork on December 06, 2015, 11:55:14 AM
Every few days I stuff a note in this bottle and then shake it out and replace it with another note.

Today I would say:

"When I apologized to you, you said you could write me a letter of apology that was twice as long, but you didn't tell me what it would say. I want you to know that I would forgive you for any of the things you might have put in that letter.

You said you feel like a different person now, but really, personalities don't change--only perceptions. I know who you are, and you are loved, whether we ever speak again or not. Try to put the shame away.

You probably already know you have borderline personality disorder. I hope the relationship you are in now can accommodate that. You were right to replace me. I would have destroyed myself trying to help you."

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: steelwork on December 06, 2015, 11:57:47 AM
oops posted twice

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: hope2727 on December 06, 2015, 05:36:40 PM
"I love you. I miss you. Please get well and come home. You are so loved my dear."

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: thisworld on December 07, 2015, 01:58:31 PM
Hello you grandiose entitled idiot,

Let me correct something about your "angel". I am fully aware of the dupe high you get from deceiving me, lying to me, cheating on me, stealing from me and narcissists like you are indeed very predictable creatures who act with symptoms rather than authentic behaviour. Your actions are classified as emotional, sexual and physical violence even though you don't seem to agree and I'm powerless against you in front of law. Even your invalidating words are listed sentence by sentence on websites talking about psychopathic love. So much for the victim you think you are. And you think you want to remain friends? I'd rather befriend a psychopath because at least they have a smirk and sometimes confess their set-ups so I won't have to think about what is real and not long after they are gone and they won't change their minds five times in a minute.

Now, you seem to have concluded that I am an "inborn" angel who is incapable of doing those hurtful things that you do. You seem to relate my "goodness" with an innate "weakness" that you attribute to me. Now, this is not so. I was good to you not because I was not capable of being otherwise or devoid of your skill set. I was good to you because at some point in my life I made an ethical choice about how others can/should be treated and how they cannot/should not. Now, you are kicked out of that ethical framework forever. I'm suspending all ethics when it comes to you. Consider yourself lucky that I'm not cheap enough to start smear campaigns before you start them. Consider yourself twice lucky that I'll allow you to do some badmouthing behind my back and to portray me as a sick woman, a control freak whatever. However, the moment you attempt to do things that could cause me real damage in my life, you will find a formidable enemy who can shamelessly expose you in more ways than you can imagine, to a greater degree than you can ever do to me. You may think that you know my soft spots but do not forget for a second that you have been way more talkative than would benefit a malicious person like yourself. None of your fears, none of your complexes, none of your secrets are safe with me anymore. I now what hurts you most and you know that I know it. And many more, if you think about it. This could be a contract of silence between two enemies but you are not controlled enough to carry on with your promises, so I will take my own safe and legal precautions without resorting to you. The moment you attack, you world may collapse on you in more ways than you can imagine. Go and give it a try, I don't care. Sit there with your anxiety, I don't care. F***kety bye.     

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: JaneStorm on December 07, 2015, 02:07:29 PM
"I am not abandoning you; I am saving Me. If I stay with you, there will be no Me."

Title: Re: Message in a Bottle: the things you WANT to say to your ex
Post by: Stolen on December 07, 2015, 03:18:49 PM
"The only thing your evil mother ever said that I wish I had noted, was when she called you a pathological liar"