
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Grissum69 on January 26, 2016, 09:54:04 AM

Title: when does the nightmare end?
Post by: Grissum69 on January 26, 2016, 09:54:04 AM
It's been a while since I have posted, I thought I was past this stage.  I was doing great, my last therapy session was early last year, anxiety meds are not needed anymore, got a great job and was moving on to bigger and better things.  Then "she" reared her ugly head again, like out of the blue...

We started talking again, friended me on Facebook, and then it all began again.  She told me her son had done something tragic, killed an animal and felt nothing afterward about it...   like nothing happened.

He was seen by professionals soon afterward for a few days but she was told he was a danger to his younger brother.  She has hasn't had any contact with her family in about 6 years, doesn't , won't talk to any of them and claims they are just out to hurt her.  The children's father hasn't seen his kids in years, she claims he abused them and won't let them see their father again.  I guess I made a mistake by letting her family know what's going on with her because they called CPS on her and the police went by to check on the kids and what not.  She automatically blamed me for it, I told her it wasn't me who told anyone about her.  Ok so I lied, who cares...   Been lied to the entire time from her so we are even...   Anyhow I felt myself being drawn in to this cesspool of emotional, and physical drain from her.  She wouldn't talk to me , text me, or let me know what was going on with her or the kids.  I felt like garbage, I was good enough to ask for money and what not but that was it? 

So now I have been cut off again, with no reason...   kind of pisses me off really although I have been down this road before...   my sister told me to cut it off , "she is toxic"  were her words.   Feelings of depression, not feeling wanted or appreciated, not being loved was the last thing I went through recently  :'(.   Was I wrong to re-engage knowing it wasn't going anywhere?  Probably...   I had hope I am not going to lie...   again she was leaving a relationship that supposedly was abusive, and I was the good guy to listen to her pain.   So I guess I answered my own question huh...   There are often times where I just don't understand and want to so bad  :'(