
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: despairing mother on April 02, 2016, 06:42:32 AM

Title: clinics for very, very sick patients
Post by: despairing mother on April 02, 2016, 06:42:32 AM
My 25 year old daughter has BPD - along with a severe eating disorder and alcohol addiction.  She currently weighs about 75 pounds - skin and bones.   She has been in a hospital that specialises in eating disorders for 1 1/2 years and has not gained weight - in fact, she lost it and has just recently reached her initial weight at admission.  She seemed to be improving, and was being gradually given more freedom in preparation for a week outside the hospital, but she used the freedom to buy a large quantity of alcohol that nearly killed her.  Now the doctors say they don't have much hope for her.   She is in stable physical condition at the moment, but they do not expect to be able to do much except - possibly - keep her alive.

We live abroad and I do not have US insurance, though we are US citizens.  But her life is at stake and I would borrow the money if I knew of a good clinic that would accept her.  She was once a talented, beautiful girl who is now wasting away in a mediocre clinic - 2 hours of individual therapy a week and medical monitoring.  But she is now so sick that many clinics will not take her, as she does need the medical monitoring.  She has had a very difficult life - her father, who died from alcohol abuse when she was ten, was probably borderline as well.  I do realise this is a complicated and tough case but I cannot give up hope for my child.

Can anyone suggest a solution?

Title: Re: clinics for very, very sick patients
Post by: lbjnltx on April 02, 2016, 08:17:58 AM
Hello despairing mother,

I'm very sorry to learn that your d is so very ill with addiction and mental health problems.  One and half years inpatient and regressing is heart breaking.  :'(

You might try contacting Harvard McLean, they are the leading treatment hospital for BPD and co occurring disorders.  They have follow up Residential Treatment for adults as well as transitional/follow up support.  The financial commitment would be astronomical without insurance as you know.

How long has it been seen you saw or spoke with your daughter?  Please stay with us and allow us to give you the support you need.


Title: Re: clinics for very, very sick patients
Post by: landslide on April 02, 2016, 03:53:05 PM
I am so sorry to hear that your daughter has such a dangerous combination of issues right now.  My daughter who is 16 is in the early stages of struggling with similar things and it is so frightening as a parent.  Based your daughter's need for intensive eating disorder treatment with the dual BPD and addiction issues, you might consider calling the National Eating Disorder Association 1-800-931-2237 www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/find-help-support to narrow the search for programs.  Melrose Center in Minnesota is a program that does good work and has the co-occurring focus, but there are many others.  All my wishes best for you, your family, and your daughter.