
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: foody on May 19, 2016, 08:32:26 PM

Title: ex BPD gf blackmailing.
Post by: foody on May 19, 2016, 08:32:26 PM
Hi again.

Well lots been happening with my breakup. The constant lies about her cheating with another guy. Getting so ridiculous. Eg the other night she went out at midnight to 'ring her boss' came in said it was raining so she'd sit in her car. I went out to smoke and it wasn't raining. I sid its nit raining and she went nuclear claiming i was accusung her of lying! Err yeah.

So now this weekend she's tokd me aeveral times if i dont back down on our house and let her have it shes ' going to say something horrible yo get me removed'. Nice considering ive offered her 20k to leave and start again.

its dawned on me this qeek what a vile disgusting human being she really is. Oh and this is gold. After saying this to me she then had a go at me about not dari g to report her for her cannabis use.  Hypocrite. I honestly hope i never come across anyone with any form if BPD again. That may seem like a crass generalisation but the lies shes tild over the yrs; the twisted manipulation and now this. Well gloves off nowi Do your worse reap the whirlwind

Thank you all for your support. I very much appreciate all of it.

Peace and out.

Title: Re: ex BPD gf blackmailing.
Post by: Taylorly on May 19, 2016, 09:35:21 PM
I think they are vile and disgusting too. I don't really care if they are in emotional pain. I didn't cause their pain, and they know right from wrong.

These are terrible abusive people.

The BPD in my life sent a text out of thin air to her ex that said "You can't just threaten me and then not let me talk to my kids. I need to see if they are okay... "

There was no threat of any kind. This was done in response to him not answering his phone when she called (15 times in a row), because by court order, she is not supposed to call him at all. All exchanges through email.

However... .if she can make it look like he threatened her some how then maybe he can look like the bad guy.

The whole thing is just nuts... the lies... the twisting. the accusations.

I want nothing to do with these people ever again.

There is a reason there is a stigma. These people hurt people.

Title: Re: ex BPD gf blackmailing.
Post by: Turkish on May 19, 2016, 10:39:27 PM

This is escalating. What's your safety/exit plan? Members here have ended up jailed due to false accusations.


Title: Re: ex BPD gf blackmailing.
Post by: foody on May 20, 2016, 04:29:50 AM
I have an escape. Im taking care to protect myself. Im nit going into details just to say that its legal and above board. Shes been cheating for over a yr. Justifying her self by passing blame accusing me of being controlling and 'ruining' her life. Manipulative abusing emotional vampires. I just want rid of her now. Out of my life.