
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: bus boy on July 14, 2016, 04:43:53 AM

Title: Moving on
Post by: bus boy on July 14, 2016, 04:43:53 AM
Yesterday I saw a good example of moving on, I saw a friend of mine at a sporting event, she was bumped by her ex in a pretty bad way. He got her to move to the other end of the country and than told her, oh ya, I have another woman 8 months pregnant. Back home she moves with there young son in tow. She has a reason to hate ( strong word, I know). It was nice to see the 2 of them talking like humans. On the other end of the scale and the other end of the ball field was my ex and her BF. I think, how sad for s9 to see us like this. I have built boundaries, I don't respond, defend or try to reason or explain anymore. I went no contact, her ignorance bounces off of me. I have always been a gentleman to her and a model father to my son. She wants to portray me as a dead beat no good dad, she looks at me as a piece of dirt, she always did but it worse since I found boundaries. She has a BF living in her house, looking happy in her new life but she is still trying to tear me down, be spiteful, send belittling texts. So who has moved on? It seems I have lots of rent free space in her brain.