
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: razemarie on August 17, 2016, 02:41:42 PM

Title: Child Custody Settlement - Victory
Post by: razemarie on August 17, 2016, 02:41:42 PM
I wanted to share the good news on here since so many of you helped me through some very dark and tough times over the past several years. I have been battling for custody of my five year old with my ex-BPD/alcoholic boyfriend and was just awarded 100% physical custody, and joint legal with me being named as the "school parent!" Which means I get to choose which school district he attends. This is a huge victory and I could not be more relieved! He filed for custody against me when I told him I was dating someone for the first time in five years.  Then he started allegations of drug abuse, me sleeping around with different men in the presence of my child and being an unfit parent. None of which was true or ever substaniated. Since the day my son was born I have dedicated my life to him and being the best parent I can be, while minimizing the chaos his dad brings to the table. I spent many sleepless nights worried about how the court would view his accusations, and how this could potentially affect my child. For those who have followed my story, I have raised him on my own for the most part since he was born. So I wanted to try and keep him on his current schedule as much as I could. His dad will actually have slightly more time with him than he's had in the past, but we will have a case manager involved until our son is 18. My ex was also ordered to take a breathalyzer before and after each visit with my child for one year. Again... .this is a major victory. Anyway, I wanted to celebrate and hopefully let others know in my situation that there is hope. :)

Title: Re: Child Custody Settlement - Victory
Post by: DoxieLover on August 17, 2016, 05:31:18 PM
Wow!  That's AWESOME news!  Thank you for sharing!   :)

Dumb question though... .what does 100% physical custody mean?

Title: Re: Child Custody Settlement - Victory
Post by: Thunderstruck on August 18, 2016, 12:26:23 PM
 |iiii Great!

Title: Re: Child Custody Settlement - Victory
Post by: Kowalski on August 21, 2016, 08:11:44 PM
Congratulations! I'm sure it's a big relief. And I'm glad to hear about the breathalizer before and after parenting time. Good!

Title: Re: Child Custody Settlement - Victory
Post by: razemarie on August 23, 2016, 01:00:54 PM
Having full physical custody means that my son will live with me full time and while my ex has visitation rights, he does not have custodial rights. I want my son to know and have a relationship with his dad. But I also want to make sure he is safe and being properly taken care of during their time together. The breathalyzers are a huge relief to me given his history with alcohol abuse.