
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: JerryRG on August 25, 2016, 10:09:59 AM

Title: Just the facts
Post by: JerryRG on August 25, 2016, 10:09:59 AM
Hello everyone

Anyone else obsess about their exes?

Stupid question, I know

Slowly forgetting her sarcasms and insults and the voices of truth and true love are replacing the horrible memories of her illness.

The thoughts that resonate and the facts are:

1. Do I realize how sick I was to be in this relationship

2. She has a severe mental illness and may never be well

3. Our son needs me

4. I am an awesome father

5. My son loves me

6. I should be grateful she's no longer my gf or my problem

7. Her behaviours are predictable

8. She does not hold the keys to my happiness

9. Don't believe the lies

10. I did my best to help her

11. I did many things that were wrong in the relationship

12. The past is the past, I forgive myself and move on

13. I am grateful for everything, even this relationship, for it has helped me wake up from a deep and long slumber.

14. I've never been more alive and free and happier than I am today

15. I have been given many special gifts, sometimes we can't appreciate light, until we spend enough time in darkness.

16. Gratitude erases regret.

There's a reason for everything, I just have to remember I'm loved, I love and I'm well. Life throws us curve balls, it's how we learn from them and move forward that matters.

Keep moving forward everyone, there is hope, life and love beyond our past relationships with pwBPD.

Have an awesome day and thank YOU bpdfamily, and all of you, each one of you help me and I couldn't be more grateful.  

Title: Re: Just the facts
Post by: JQ on August 25, 2016, 10:25:26 AM
Hey Jerry,

Awesome words of wisdom you have shared!   For those who are having trouble struggling on your path of self enlightenment after you BPD r/s might I suggest to copy these words of wisdom, print them off and put them on the kitchen fridge & the bathroom mirror where you will see them everyday. Recite them, learn them, believe them and live them!

Thanks for sharing Jerry


Title: Re: Just the facts
Post by: woundedPhoenix on August 25, 2016, 10:31:57 AM
what about

17. Self-worth and Self-Love are things only i can give myself

Title: Re: Just the facts
Post by: JerryRG on August 25, 2016, 10:34:58 AM
Yes indeed woundedPhoenix

Absolute truth