
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: Decade on September 07, 2016, 05:10:00 AM

Title: Court success after two years of BPD ex nonsense. Yay
Post by: Decade on September 07, 2016, 05:10:00 AM
Hi there,

I haven't been on here for quite some time (couldn't find my last posts it's been that long) however that's not to say that I haven't been plugging away processing and dealing with the fall out of my 2 year relationship with my BPD ex. Without running through the relationship (though if anyone can tell me how to source my previous posts that'd be great) - my BPD ex left me and my young daughter with over £20,000 of HIS debt in 2014 when he decided to end the relationship. Despite civilised, attempted negotiation on my part, he went into true BPD mode, painted me black and all rational went out the window.

Just thought you might appreciate an update and insight into my closure. Que 2 years of legal battling - ridiculous letters from his side, on-going embarrassing contradictions from him, the most horrendous slander and attempted character assassination of me and a PILE of evidence (and 5 witnesses) I had and NO evidence from him, BPD ex still forced it into the courts, refusing to communicate or accept any responsibility or obligations... .so... .court finally came, yesterday, and PD ex promptly lost - within 11 minutes. 2 years of nonsense - sussed out in 11 minutes.

All talk, no balls. When it came to the crunch... .the moment of judgement... .when the Sherriff was ready to sit, interrogate and then pass judgement... .he failed to show... .much to the horror of his lawyer, and the amusement of mine. Typical BPD... .couldn't bear to be judged... .held accountable... .so took it right to the wire then bailed. Coward.

The Sherriff commented that he'd reviewed all of my evidence and was not minded to indulge BPD with any court time any longer... .ruled in my favour... .all craves granted... .and BPD now owes in excess of £30,000... .including my two years of legal fees now. Unbelievable!

Getting it from him will be another matter entirely, but the principle has been established and I feel entirely righted. A dirty game he tried to play, a total immoral way he behaved... .he tried to scare me off then wear me down... .but I kept going... .and now he's awoken to realise that no one is fooled anymore.

I just wanted to post this to give other hope... .stick with the voice inside that says you deserve more, get clever and methodical, look after your self esteem, and you'll get there.

Decade :-)

Title: Re: Court success after two years of BPD ex nonsense. Yay
Post by: sanemom on September 07, 2016, 05:40:29 AM
That's great news!  When cornered, they go into fight or flight mode (many on here stay in fight mode to our frustration).  Any children involved?  If not, you are FREE!

Title: Re: Court success after two years of BPD ex nonsense. Yay
Post by: Decade on September 07, 2016, 06:44:04 AM
No children to him, thankfully. Just me and my little daughter... .and the fully functioning love of my life that I met 4 months ago and am delighted to finally see what a normal, loving, non borderline relationship can be like with.

Yes, FREE! A great way to put it. Thanks. xxx

Just wanted to show progress towards healing can be made... .however painfully slow. :-)