
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: UnforgivenII on September 27, 2016, 02:53:03 PM

Title: Just some thoughts
Post by: UnforgivenII on September 27, 2016, 02:53:03 PM
I was thinking about my ex who waited for me outside my home in order to wave his new woman in my face.

Well I have NOT broken NC since the 5th of August. Never. I thought he had ghosted me. Clearly he did not. He went to great length not to. Actually I laughed thinking that they had been walking outside my house for five hours waiting for me to arrive.
If he goes to such length to prove me how happy he is... .He is not happy. And if I am so NOT important why should he care that I see?
I never even drove near his house. I never contacted him and I would have continued. And today I know that only seeing him was poisonous.
He is really an hysterical 3 years old child in the body of a 46 yrs man.
She can have him. She can walk five or six hours outside the house of his exes and keep everything else, including the awful and scarce sex life, the financial exploitation, the endless tirades , the tantrums, the cheating, the lies. She can have him.

I only would like for them to be happy VERY far away from me. I am not asking too  much.

Title: Re: Just some thoughts
Post by: Sadly on September 27, 2016, 03:02:23 PM
Way to go Unforgiven, way to go. If there was a fanfare smiley I would put one here. Had a image of you taking them out a couple of chairs and a tray of tea, in case they got tired and thirsty parading   No you are not asking too much.
Lots of love from Sadly   x

Title: Re: Just some thoughts
Post by: bunny4523 on September 27, 2016, 03:30:24 PM

I can feel your strength in your post and it is very refreshing.  Any time you are down, re-read this post.  You are not asking too much at all and just continue to ignore them.  I work with my exBPD and anytime I am nearby he likes to throw his GF name out.  I act like I don't hear him... .it's so stupid but since I dont' care, it's just entertaining to me.

I can't wait for the moment when my ex says something and I can't get away so he can see NO REACTION from me.  I feel the same way you do, she can have him.  I actually feel sorry for her because when he unleashes the beast... .she will be devastated.  BUT not my issue... .but I do feel bad for anyone caught up in this BPD nightmare.

Stay strong - he will go away in time... .he will be walking a new girlfriend in front of her house any day now.


Title: Re: Just some thoughts
Post by: UnforgivenII on September 28, 2016, 12:32:19 AM
Thank you. I want him out of my head so bad.