
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: bus boy on October 09, 2016, 04:08:24 PM

Title: what is wrong with them?
Post by: bus boy on October 09, 2016, 04:08:24 PM
I got a very abusive text from xw. She is accusing me of things I'm not even doing. She's getting worse. She also said in a text that she had missed a day a week from work to pick s10 up at school bc he misses her bc of his access with me. I checked last year's attendance for s10 and he missed 5 days from January to may and I can account for 3 of those days. We are going back to court, I have her texts stating she missed all those days from work from January to may. My math tells me that's at least 16 days, s10's  attendance says 5 days. What is she trying to prove? 

Title: Re: what is wrong with them?
Post by: ForeverDad on October 10, 2016, 07:37:58 AM
It could be one or more of several factors.  It could be her perceptions are overwhelming whatever memory she has of reality.  It could be her trying to smear you as much as she can, trying to make you look worse than she does.  It could be that she doesn't think you have a log or record of those days and so her claims would have more impact.

Early in the case it may be that her actions were seen as a barking watchdog giving a warning to be investigated.  Over time she is still barking, but more and more as a toothless dog barking at every noise.

In my last time at court I presented the school's log of tardy arrivals and absences.  She had a dozen or so tardies and I had two.  I don't recall the court specifically mentioning it but combined with the teachers' testimony and other issues, the court ruled I should move up from equal time to majority time during the school year.  She kept her equal time during the summer.

Title: Re: what is wrong with them?
Post by: Nope on October 11, 2016, 09:44:57 AM
She could feel like she missed a day a week. To her feelings are facts. DH's uBPDex once complained over the phone that she couldn't get quality time with the kids because he came and took them during every long weekend from school. We live out of state so DH was entitled to one weekend per month when he could afford the trip. We went back and tested her compliant against reality and it turned out DH had taken them for long weekends twice in a year and a half.