
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: Minusone on October 14, 2016, 02:04:53 PM

Title: The reason for contact?
Post by: Minusone on October 14, 2016, 02:04:53 PM
Its been weighing on my mind the last few days. After she called me 2 weeks ago out of the blue after 10 months of silence we started talking here and there. For a few weeks I took care of a mutual pet that was in her possession while she and her sister were out of town. She's been away for work for close to 5 months. During the storm that came through I gave her updates on our safety and where we were. She would reply. Outside of speaking about the pet we've had only one small conversation about individual finances and whatnot. Nothing crazy. She said she's proud, I said the same. Thats all. A couple days ago I made mention that since I was back and life had settled down that I was becoming uneasy with small talk because we had yet to address the elephant in the room; her affair and disappearance. I know it was a rich bringing it up but I made a personal boundary that I wouldn't just lean over and let it go. This conversation needed to happen for me, as well as for her, so healing could take place. She ended up not responding to the text. The next morning I texted her again and explained that when she doesn't answer it makes me feel like what I said isn't important to her. I added that I was happy to hear from her, I was proud of her for reaching out to me, and that if its back to the silent treatment sort of speak its her own choice but its not something I'd play along with. An hour later she texted me back explaining that she didn't know how to respond and that with her work, a possible cross country move, and other things in her life she's emotionally overwhelmed. She said she knows she needs to give me that conversation and she will when things settle a bit more.

Last year after our split up she said the same thing. She needed "time to process" what happened and I didn't hear from her for 10 months. Fast forward to now and some things just aren't adding up. She is possibly moving across country. She left the guy she left me for when she went out there and hasn't spoken to anyone or told anyone about her move since she left. I know her relationships back at home here at work are strained. Since she called me out of the blue I've been wondering about what motivated the call. I did reach out to her a week before to ask if she was ok as some things at home were happening. But normally based off the last year, when I brought up the break up, she usually shuts down and runs, this time she didn't. She did defer it again but something tells me theres a reason why. She isn't asking for me back. She hasn't told me much in the way that she misses me. She's insinuated to it a bit. She told her coworkers tell her to stop talking about me, she told me I'm a good man, that the person she left me for meant nothing to her (which I shut down right away), and she's told me she's proud of me a few times. Its almost like "lovebombing lite." I believe her sincerity to a degree but my gut tells me something is going on. If she doesn't move and she ends up living back here in the city, what am I in for? Is this some sort of triangulation ploy that she hasn't given in for. She's said nothing mean, she hasn't been hostile, but she's also keeping her distance. Im keeping mine as well now, as I won't be texting her, atleast not for a while.

Im trying to get a grip on all this. I feel prepared for whatever comes. I don't want to push her away and I'd prefer LC for now to see if this is her growing up to the point where she enters into therapy. She's acknowledged the need for it. She wants to change. I just don't see why after all this time, she's popped back up. Willing to talk. Willing to have a discussion I know is going to kill her. Just need some thoughts on it, Thanks!