
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: CooperD on December 11, 2016, 02:10:56 PM

Title: Feeling so empty - how could she do it to me
Post by: CooperD on December 11, 2016, 02:10:56 PM
Not a good day folks,

I feel so empty and alone - especially with christmas approaching.

This time last year (almost to the day) my wife had arrived from america here to the UK, we were newly married and we were starting to live in our home together.

A year later and I feel completely lost.  I am facing divorce / may already be divorced, she has severed all contact with me (im also NC now for over a month) and I am facing a very uncertain future.

I am still grieving but am so heartbroken at how everything has ended - for five years we spoke everyday and now she has just disappeared.  I noticed this week she unblocked me on whatsapp and she has been changing her profile pic 2-3 times per day including pictures I took of her.  Its as if she wants me to see the pictures to punish me further.

Its my 34th birthday next week and whilst I should be looking forward to christmas with my wife and planning a family - i feel completely alone with the person I invested so much into just ripping my life apart.

I know she did it because of her BPD but no matter how much i rationalise everything it is not giving me comfort.

Title: Re: Feeling so empty - how could she do it to me
Post by: Hisaccount on December 11, 2016, 10:15:26 PM
I feel for you. I think many of us know those same feelings.
Despair is a good word but as sad as it is I wish I had as much h time behind me as you do.

Bad yeah, but better days ahead. I promise