Title: My lawyer doesn't understand my situation HELP Post by: Dontknow88 on December 20, 2016, 11:14:32 AM He doesn't understand my situation as to why I need the father of my child to have supervised visits instead of unsupervised.
He doesn't understand the depth that I'm trying to tell him that the father of my child even though he is high functioning and has amazing job that behind closed doors he is a mess. He has BPD Bipolar Major generalized anxiety And so on (all diagnosed) I don't feel like my lawyer is fighting for me even though we are just drafting up a separation agreement. And if you read my other post I didn't know at the time but the ending of my relationship I definitely experienced Mestic violence but not the physical part. What should I do a part of me thinks that maybe my lawyer has someone that's mentally ill and he's just feeling sorry for my child's father and thinks he's as good as the person that he knows or maybe it's himself. I don't know but this is so messed up and I don't know what to do . Also I've Advised by my social worker but I should only keep in contact with him through email it will be better for everyone but then my child's father is asking for Skype and telephone calls mind you are son is not even one year-old it and can't talk. We do not have that relationship where I'm willing to do that. It always ends up in a fight. Help Title: Re: My lawyer doesn't understand my situation HELP Post by: Naughty Nibbler on December 20, 2016, 02:11:48 PM Have you provided detailed documentation for your lawyer of specific events? The court will want to see evidence - accounts of specific events that prove your child will be unsafe with him.
Some people keep diaries (days, times, what exactly was said, happened, etc.). Depending on where you live and what the laws allow, some people record conversations. Title: Re: My lawyer doesn't understand my situation HELP Post by: ForeverDad on December 22, 2016, 10:05:03 PM Is this the right lawyer for you and for your difficult case? Many lawyers are taught that settlements are best (they are) and so many are unprepared and inexperienced in court, being form filers and hand holders. Is your lawyer experienced with high conflict cases? If not then generally it is best to find a more proactive lawyer who can excel in court sooner rather than later. less of your retainer has been used, you'll get better help earlier, etc.