
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: mybabygirl23 on January 03, 2017, 11:58:26 AM

Title: Legal System
Post by: mybabygirl23 on January 03, 2017, 11:58:26 AM
So frustrated with our legal system right now and its inability to recognize mental health as a contributing factor to poor choices. Don't get me wrong all actions have consequences and mental health shouldn't be an excuse but shouldn't it be taken into consideration?  Long story short my BPD daughter has two legal cases going, one completely her fault and the other (nearly a year earlier) wrong place wrong time. The first case was about to be dismissed until the prosecutor saw she was being charged in a second case. So now the 2nd case has been prosecuted with significant penalties but the 1st is finally wants to settle and the deal includes jail time and loss of license.

Immediately after the 2nd case (which happened when her dad and I got divorced, she left her drug addicted boyfriend - leaving her no place to live -  and she lost her job) she moved in with me, started counseling and taking her meds by her own choice, got a new job that she has kept for several months and earned raises AND enrolled in school.

But the prosecutor wants to send her to jail and take away her license which I fear will set her way back... .again she isn't getting off free, she will only have a probationary license and the court has mandated that she continue counseling, not to mention a legal record, increased drivers insurance and lots of fines.  Am I unreasonable and over protective by fighting so she can continue working, getting treatment and going to school AND not injecting a major trigger into her life?  Sorry for the ramble - hope I made sense... .why increase our incarcerated population when we can help them

Title: Re: Legal System
Post by: livednlearned on January 03, 2017, 01:46:28 PM
Oh no! That is awful, to see her make some progress and then have things get even harder for her

Does your daughter have a diagnosis? Have you talked to mental health advocates who work with people in the legal system? Maybe there is a compassionate angle that a lawyer might be able to pitch?

What your daughter is going through would be tough for someone who didn't struggle with a major mental illness. She is working hard to overcome, you are trying to reason for a fair outcome.

It sounds like you are being a protective, caring mama  :)