
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: baconeggs on January 05, 2017, 06:18:50 PM

Title: Did you wish them Happy Holidays?
Post by: baconeggs on January 05, 2017, 06:18:50 PM
After my uBPDex broke up with me, she texted me a happy veterans day, thanksgiving, and Christmas.  I responded with the same.  I also wonder why she did so... .

Should I text her a merry Ukrainian Christmas this Saturday?  I guess I'm missing her this week and that's why I would like to wish her well.  My hesitation is because I don't want her to say anything nasty.  I know if I text her, I can't expect a response because that might not happen. 

Of course, I'm probably over-analyzing.

Title: Re: Did you wish them Happy Holidays?
Post by: Germanic on January 05, 2017, 10:15:43 PM
My Ex never responded to me after I emailed him the "it's over" message.  He responded to my 23 year old niece.  Then, a few weeks later, on Christmas Day, he email my niece again to wish her a Merry Christmas telling her that he will miss seeing her at Christmas this year.  Nothing to me.  I suspect that he emailed my niece expecting that she would share the communication with me which she did.  My niece gave a him a nice, simple generic response to my ex, nothing more.  I think the communication of holiday greetings is just an excuse to try and keep a connection.  I think the better part of discretion is to end the contact as hard as it is to do.  This is what I am struggling with now myself.  I terribly miss my ex and what we had but I truly know that with him having BPD, a relationship for he & I will never work.

Title: Re: Did you wish them Happy Holidays?
Post by: talks to angels on January 05, 2017, 10:22:04 PM
Its hard to ever figure out their intentions. I did not reach out to mine as I am certain he already has someone else. (he always does) Let that be her job
Germanic yes i struggle with that too. but I have played that game with him before and it is torture not knowing how he will respond or if he will. really a loose loose situation. So it makes NC easier. It protects me.