
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: bus boy on January 12, 2017, 05:34:34 AM

Title: Is medication the way to go?
Post by: bus boy on January 12, 2017, 05:34:34 AM
Yesterday I came home early. My mind was going hard. It goes on everyday but yesterday it was working overtime. In the past my T suggested meds, she's been through the wringer with a BPD mother, my T always says to me she " gets it" when we talk. My friend who has been through a hard time of depression strongly suggested yesterday I get on anti depressants. I have been suffering depression for to many years. It seems I can only get to a certain point in my recovery and I slide back. Not as bad as I use to but sometimes I think am I going to get any better than this.

Title: Re: Is medication the way to go?
Post by: Infern0 on January 12, 2017, 06:30:54 AM
Yesterday I came home early. My mind was going hard. It goes on everyday but yesterday it was working overtime. In the past my T suggested meds, she's been through the wringer with a BPD mother, my T always says to me she " gets it" when we talk. My friend who has been through a hard time of depression strongly suggested yesterday I get on anti depressants. I have been suffering depression for to many years. It seems I can only get to a certain point in my recovery and I slide back. Not as bad as I use to but sometimes I think am I going to get any better than this.

Possibly it could help you in the short term. But obviously long term continuing to work on your issues is going to get to the root of the depression. I'm wary of anti depressants so ask for a low doseage.

I had about 2 months where my depression was really bad post discard, like to the point I wondered about checking in for inpatient care but I got through it. It will pass.

Title: Re: Is medication the way to go?
Post by: bus boy on January 12, 2017, 06:54:26 AM
Thanks. Maybe I need to go deeper into me. I have a good T but we are in a very small area and maybe her experience can only take me so far. I have blue cross through work, maybe I have to go to a bigger centre for more indept help. Get deep into my brain.

Title: Re: Is medication the way to go?
Post by: Pretty Woman on January 12, 2017, 06:58:12 AM
I used it to get through the anxiety.  My ex's sister was a trigger for me and at our company Christmas party I started to have a panic attack when I saw her. I had to leave the party.

All these things never happened before I met her.

The meds helped but I didn't stay in them long... .three months? They numb your feelings and that was hard for me but it did help get past the anxiety.

Title: Re: Is medication the way to go?
Post by: bus boy on January 12, 2017, 07:45:03 AM
I don't want to be numb, I'm numb now. I want to feel good, I want to cope when bad feelings arise. The crashes are to hard. Everyone has to take the sour with the sweet, sometimes it's hard to get past the sour.

Title: Re: Is medication the way to go?
Post by: marion1 on January 12, 2017, 07:58:28 AM
I've had PMS irritability and depression for years which exacerbates my relationship with my husband who I (and a couple counselors who met him) believe has BPD.  (Basically we are both emotionally compromised and I struggle at that time to be the level-headed/even-tempered partner, which is required in a BPD relationship.) My general practice physician recommended St. John's Wart, which is over the counter in any grocery store.  Its a mild antidepressant and mood stabilizer.  I actually think it does help but it takes about 3 weeks to kick in. It has not made me feel numb at all.

Title: Re: Is medication the way to go?
Post by: bus boy on January 12, 2017, 08:19:28 AM
I heard that before. I forgot about it. I'm going to try it. Thanks.

Title: Re: Is medication the way to go?
Post by: Duped 1 on January 12, 2017, 09:20:36 AM
I'm on them and it's making a big difference. I would highly recommend it.

Title: Re: Is medication the way to go?
Post by: Hisaccount on January 12, 2017, 09:23:17 AM
I am one that got on anti depressants. It is worth it. At least it was for me.

I can tell you for me, they made me tired and sick for the first week but it passes.

I was constantly thinking about suicide, hopelessness, despair. Profound sadness I called it. All the worst of the worst and I couldn't control my thoughts.
I could not function. Anxiety, fear, stress.

After the meds kicked in I was finally able to start detaching. I was able to function. I very quickly started feeling better and thinking I didn't need them anymore. But I know that is not the truth.
I have been on for about a month. They are in full effect.

The downside I have now, I have some lack of motivation. I get very tired sometimes but able to work through it.

One thing though, I am happy. Or happier. The anti depressants take away the peaks. Doubled edge sword. You lose the highest highs, but also the lowest lows.
For me I realized, when was the last time I was actually happy anyway?
By taking away the lows and getting stuck on them, I am actually able to function and move on and find joy in things.
I woke up this morning happy. Looking forward to the day. When was the last time that happened?

I still get triggered by my ex, but I can quickly recover. Like I found out just the other night she has been cheating, never thought she was, but finding out for sure and finding out who triggered me, but it only lasted maybe an hour and I was back to being happy she is out of my life.

My divorce is not final, the division of assets is not completed so I know i have rough days ahead.

But I would recommend anti depressants for anyone going through what we went through.
In another thread someone told me "you wouldn't try to tough out heart disease"
Very true words. They are there for a reason, I was scared to try them but glad I did.

Title: Re: Is medication the way to go?
Post by: once removed on January 12, 2017, 11:32:54 AM
supplements are a great alternative and in certain cases can be even more effective.

sam-e was a real life saver for me. i felt so much more stable, all the despair felt so much "smaller" in my head, the endless rumination stopped. passion flower really put an end to my daily anxiety attacks.

there are others, lots worth trying. always check with your doctor, but in many cases, if you go the anti depressant route (i did) you can also take some of these supplements.

Title: Re: Is medication the way to go?
Post by: bus boy on January 13, 2017, 05:04:49 AM
Thank you, Great feed back. I took adavin for a while but I need something long term, something that will absorbe into my system. I am going to go the route of natural.