
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: cece123 on February 03, 2017, 07:46:09 PM

Title: BPD
Post by: cece123 on February 03, 2017, 07:46:09 PM
I came to this site out of desperation. My 17 year old daughter has suffered from depression and anxiety for the past 3 years and until recently based on her actions/moods I became aware that she might also suffer from borderline personality disorder. She has been on medication for depression and also for ADHD and she just started with a mood stabilizer. We have both been taking a dbt course for the past few weeks. I guess I came on here to see if anyone else going through this can offer me some hope that it'll get better because sometimes I feel like I just can't handle it any more. Thank you.

Title: Re: BPD
Post by: heartandwhole on February 04, 2017, 05:02:17 AM
Hi cece123,

Welcome ! You have come to the right place for support. The members here have been in similar situations and understand what you are  going through. It's so understandable to feel like you can't handle it anymore. It is a very tough situation to be in.

I'm happy to say that things really can, and do, get better.

How are you finding the DBT course?

Keep posting, it helps to share. We're here for you.


Title: Re: BPD
Post by: wendydarling on February 04, 2017, 06:28:44 AM
Hello cece123   

I join heartandwhole in welcoming you to the family. I'm sorry your daughter is suffering depression and anxiety and you've been dealing with this for many years. Glad you found us, you are not alone.  There are many parents of teenagers here as you'll see from the threads, is your daughter attending school? I joined a year ago in desperation like you wondering how on earth I'm going to manage my way through this   I have and I am with thanks to everyone here and through using the great resources, advice and support.
How are the DBT sessions going? My 28yr daughter has attended DBT since last May and she is making good progress and yes I have hope   I'm mindful it's one two steps forward and what feels like one step back, the road is not linear and we take it day by day, small steps.

Do you have support from family and friends, any other children?

Good to meet you cece and look forward to walking with you, have you seen the tools and lessons to the right  |--->