Title: On vacation with my ex and friends Post by: BlissfulHeart on September 10, 2024, 05:06:00 AM :help:
Hi everyone, I’m currently on a two-week holiday with my ex, her brother, and her best friend, who are also my friends. So far, things have been going well, but there’s one issue: she’s been talking to her new boyfriend on the phone every night, and it feels like she’s skipping out on spending time with us to do so. She started chatting with him while we were still together, and even though she apologized and said her love for me haven’t changed, it’s been hard for me to deal with her apparent lack of concern for my feelings and her conversations with him in front of me. (The doors are locked, but I can still hear everything. I know it’s not my business anymore, but it feels strange since she betrayed me with the same person.) i was in no contact She reached out to me before the holiday, saying she missed me so much , love never changed , feeling numb and not sure what she’s anymore and cried about it. I thought I might have a chance to rekindle things, so I’ve been trying to stay positive and make the most of our time together. However, her nightly phone calls and laughter with him make me upset. (She can see I was caring less , and maybe she’s trying to provoke me now? ) I know I shouldn’t let it show, but it’s difficult to control my emotions/ i put a flat face she can read . when I feel betrayed and disrespected. At other times, she tries her best to be friendly but then distances herself so she can chat with him, even when we go out. (She’s a phone addict, not just with him but also with Instagram, TikTok reels, etc.) I’m considering going no contact after this holiday, which she won’t like, but I need to get through the 2 weeks. I have a lot of mixed emotions. She keeps asking if I am okay. I’m unsure how to handle the situation. Should I: Express how her actions reopen old wounds and ask if she can spend more time with me for the next two weeks, then part ways? ( looks like a bad idea) . Try to remain cheerful and avoid confronting her about it, risking her normalizing the behavior? Spend more time with others and keep my distance from her, potentially making her mad? Anything else i can do ? I’m also wondering if she was genuinely depressed during that time or if it was all a lie, as their relationship seems good from the outside. I really want to try to get her back, but I’m not sure how to approach it. Any advice would be appreciated. Just pouring out my emotions here , sorry and thank you Title: Re: On vacation with my ex and friends Post by: BlissfulHeart on September 10, 2024, 01:23:29 PM Just to add to this , i plan to join this holiday because all the tickets and stuff were pre booked and i really wanted to visit this county