Title: birthday time again Post by: BPDstinks on January 02, 2025, 07:03:34 AM Hi! I hope everyone had at least a bearable holiday! It feels like a minute but...tomorrow is my daughter's (pwBPD) 25th birthday
It seems like this should be more than a bday card & gift card with the (new) customary....Happy Birthday, I love you I really miss my daughter I wish I could just call, like most normal mother's can and do (she has made it very clear not to call) I wish I was planning a birthday dinner (we used to go to the same restaurant EVERY single year for decades) I know I could go on all day with wishes (I know, like last year, I am going to wish I could just sleep all day until the day passes) sigh Title: Re: birthday time again Post by: Swimmy55 on January 02, 2025, 05:01:16 PM Hi,
I am estranged from my adult bpd son as well. It is like a day of mourning. What I have done is actually did something nice for myself on that day. After all, I was there with him :). It is my day too! Can you think of something small you can do for you; or even honor your child (i.e. small donation to charity dealing with the mentally ill/ bpd etc).? Be gentle with you. Title: Re: birthday time again Post by: BPDstinks on January 03, 2025, 06:09:10 AM Thank you for your understanding! hmmm....well, I HAD to be at work, so, there's that! I am very involved in many cat organizations and WAS planning on dropping off some donations (I am actually going to take my granddaughters' to a water park tomorrow, as I promised them for months!) I just wish there was a magic wand....:(
Title: Re: birthday time again Post by: js friend on January 04, 2025, 06:51:59 AM Hi Bpdstinks,
I also do something nice for myself on udds birthday. sometimes its planned other times not, nothing extravagant. In a way it has become another mothers day that I celebrate and give to myself. Title: Re: birthday time again Post by: BPDstinks on January 06, 2025, 07:14:47 AM well...another bday down...(this one was worse, because it is 2 in a row, yet easier, because I knew what to expect!) my husband had the harder time than me....I have tried, countless times, to explain the BPD world to him, with zero success