Title: Story Post by: Lmtcarriere@gmai on January 18, 2025, 03:48:16 PM I have quite a long story regarding my experience with bpd, im just wondering if i am free to share it also i just wanted to see what others opinions might be because ive tried everything, tried to years to get legal representation, but with no money, the people involved get away with the crimes committed against my children and myself, to the piint im homeless, they unlawfully took my home from me and my income, govt benefits etc....but in my story i have at least one with a diagnosis, but i believe by all characteristics and behaviours, mixed with family background, and one genetically, have 4 people in my life with bpd, possibly one more. Id also like to see how many other families have gone throygh similar sityarions and what they did to cope, or help with it.
Title: Re: Story Post by: Sancho on January 21, 2025, 06:49:08 PM Hi Lmtcarriere@gmai
It sounds as though there are many aspects to your situation - legal matters, financial matters and mental health matters. Of course they all interact and affect each other very significantly. Our forum here focuses on Borderline Personality Disorder and this is where our experience is. It would be great if you could post about your experience of BPD in your life. I have been helped a great deal by reading the posts here. I feel comforted knowing that others are dealing with the chaos of BPD too and I often pick up on what someone else's approach or what they are doing - and it can be very helpful indeed. Your life sounds very hard and stressful. I hope by coming here you will know you are not alone and hopefully there will be something here that is helpful to your situation. |