Title: Concerned about how my daughter’s BPD is affecting my granddaughter. Post by: Rogge on February 16, 2025, 07:11:45 PM Hello, this is first time posting. Getting support from others in my situation is important. CPS case is current. Third one in 3 years. Will my daughter get it this time? I have doubts. I mainly take care of my granddaughter because Mom is not consistent and we never know what mood she will be in. I step in when she won’t step up. My granddaughter always wants me and rarely wants Mom when I am home. I am considering custody if she doesn’t try and want to get better.
Title: Re: Concerned about how my daughter’s BPD is affecting my granddaughter. Post by: js friend on February 21, 2025, 06:37:42 AM Hi Rogge,
My own udd has had SS/CPS intervention a few times over the years that I know of due to DV between her and the exbf with the gc present and the physical and emotional abuse of my gc. My gc had often said that they wanted to come and live with me and said the same when they were interviewed by SS ( I would have taken them in a heartbeat) and they said they were scared of udd but after a few weeks of investigation the case was closed and I think udd had to attend a few parenting classes. As you can probably imagine udd was very very angry at everybody especially the gc and wouldnt to them for a while after they were returned home to her.....but no-one in SS it seemed picked up on this. I think having custody of your gc would be a good idea as It would establish clearer guidelines for when your dd sees your gc. At the moment being in out out of your gc's life according to what is happening in her own life just doesnt give your gc the stability she needs, and not to mention how you it must be for you to be available to drop everything at the drop everytime your dd decides that it is time for you take over. Title: Re: Concerned about how my daughter’s BPD is affecting my granddaughter. Post by: js friend on February 21, 2025, 06:45:11 AM * she wouldnt speak to them*