Title: No normal break up with disordered person Post by: bus boy on February 22, 2017, 07:36:48 AM Today I saw Xw, I had to stop at the crosswalk, she was crossing, she saw me but would not look at me. She saw someone way on the other side of the street and started talking to them when she was right in front of my car. This made me think of how abnormal all of this is. People break up and move on every day and maintain a cordial r/s with or with out children but yesterday was another eye opener as to how disordered people see things. So much good energy going into this disorder, all the energy spent on trying to control, create conflict, create pain, what Xw gets her BF to do is so abnormal, people just don't do those things, healthy people with healthy boundaries that is. In Friday Xw wouldn't let me pick s10 up early, I requested it on Wednesday, she got her BF to pick s10 up instead and they went by my door, s10 could of got off at my place, save me a 40 min round trip, on Monday I took s10 home, her BF was standing on the door step waiting for s10. This stuff happens all the time, it might sound petty but think of the time and energy Xw puts into all of this, how she set it up for her BF to pick up s10, how she controlled him into that. Xw is putting a whole lot more effort into me and controlling people around her than I am putting into her. It is an unhealthy attachment.
Title: Re: No normal break up with disordered person Post by: infjEpic on February 22, 2017, 11:38:30 AM Reactions tend to vary, some people can maintain contact, others can't.
It's very rare to get closure. I've never heard of a normal BPD breakup - but then I suppose people who experience that don't need to reach out on forums like this. It's possible, if unlikely. Title: Re: No normal break up with disordered person Post by: bus boy on February 22, 2017, 04:59:25 PM Xw and I maintained contact for several years, up until June 2015, that's when she got my replacement. But from the time she left when s10 was 4 months old until 2015 we had a sexual r/s she called every day several times a day than she would stop talking to me out of the blue it was a bizarre r/s to say the least. She kept very tight control of s10, she was controlling me with sex and I wanted us to be a family, she hung that dream in front of me and yanked it away when she felt. I was pushing harder for proper access to s10 and my final discard was heartless and she has been at her worse ever since June 2015.