
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: Lalathegreat on March 02, 2017, 12:36:23 AM

Title: Saw my pwBPD for the first time in a week today.
Post by: Lalathegreat on March 02, 2017, 12:36:23 AM
And honestly it was just really really... .sad. Before he lost his job I was watching his son on Wednesdays because there is early dismissal in his school district. And he and I have developed quite a close relationship. So today I made arrangments to take him to the local children's museum after school even though his Dad is home. I invited him as well, but he is sick so he elected not to come. I had a committment for my daughter this evening so I had a hard leave time which gave me some sense of control.

When I brought his son home I had about 30 minutes until I needed to leave. And I was nervous because I just had no idea what to expect. To say things have been unstable lately would be a HUUUUUUGE understatement. What I found was a man wanting more than anything to connect. And he wanted to talk. And for the first half of the conversation he seemed genuinely contrite. And then things went BPD. But it was sad. Because he clearly WANTED and NEEDED met to understand his point of view. And he kept trying to explain his physical outburst and explain what it was that I did to have a caused it. And as usual I HAVE NO FREAKING CLUE what he is talking about but I'm trying to say things that let him know I am HEARING him without AGREEING with him but it wasn't working and he was just so sad and kept trying. But seriously, it was like throwing down some swahili in 30 minutes and then expecting someone to be fluent. And I can see he's getting frustrated - but in a sad way. He kept hugging me, and then he would get frustrated and step back and talk more quickly and then he would recalibrate and apologize and then hug me again.

Do you ever feel like it's almost cruel to have answers to their struggles (BPD) but to not say something? Don't get me wrong, I have no desire to poke that hornet's nest because it woudn't go well for me, but I was just so sad in this conversation watching him struggle so much in his head and realizing that I understand the "why" more than he does.

I don't even really know the purpose of this post really. Just feeling as sad and uncertain as ever. I care about him so much, but how can I possibly move forward in a relationship where there has been emotional and physical abuse that he genuinely believes to be my fault?

Title: Re: Saw my pwBPD for the first time in a week today.
Post by: formflier on March 02, 2017, 08:08:53 AM
So today I made arrangments to take him to the local children's museum after school even though his Dad is home. I invited him as well,

Solid leadership!  |iiii   Being deliberate about keeping other related relationships stable, while you are undecided about the primary relationship

When I brought his son home I had about 30 minutes until I needed to leave. And I was nervous because I just had no idea what to expect.

Good analysis... frankly this was poor leadership of the relationship... .on your part.

pwBPD can handle conversations and contact in "small bites".  Likely he was feeling anxiety (as you were)... .but his was exponentially worse.  Yet he likely wouldn't admit it.

A better way:  You knew you had 30 minutes.  Keep the "real" number private... .take leadership and let him know you have 10 minutes AND that you will connect with him later.  (you will have to play around with "just saying later" or "giving a specific time"  If you give a specific time... .you must follow through.  Otherwise he will be majorly triggered.

 What I found was a man wanting more than anything to connect. And he wanted to talk. And for the first half of the conversation he seemed genuinely contrite.

This would have been a great place to "end the conversation" on your terms.  He does not have the ability to do so.

Big picture:  He wants to connect more than anything  AND he fears that connection more than anything.  Be empathetic with his plight... .let him deal with his fear.  You deal with his positive need to connect.

 But seriously, it was like throwing down some swahili in 30 minutes and then expecting someone to be fluent.

Check my other post on the foreign language analogy.  You are getting it... .|iiii

I don't even really know the purpose of this post really.  

You are untangled a mess of a web and starting to learn his language.  Bigger picture, you are figuring out if you want to stay in a r/s where you "HAVE TO" speak another language.


Title: Re: Saw my pwBPD for the first time in a week today.
Post by: Grey Kitty on March 02, 2017, 09:22:12 AM
And for the first half of the conversation he seemed genuinely contrite. And then things went BPD. But it was sad. Because he clearly WANTED and NEEDED met to understand his point of view. And he kept trying to explain his physical outburst and explain what it was that I did to have a caused it. And as usual I HAVE NO FREAKING CLUE what he is talking about but I'm trying to say things that let him know I am HEARING him without AGREEING with him but it wasn't working and he was just so sad and kept trying.

From how you describe the conversation, he was open and vulnerable, was as receptive to what you might say as he gets. And the two of you failed to communicate anything that improved anything this time. If you can remember what was said and post the dialog here, we might be able to offer constructive suggestions; where you said something invalidating, where you let him cross a boundary you shouldn't have, or where you missed an opportunity to validate.

I'm willing to try to help, even if it might not work--I ended one relationship specifically because any time the two of us tried to communicate about something intimate or significant in our relationship, I had that same feeling that I was talking in the wrong language because she just didn't get anything I said.

I don't even really know the purpose of this post really. Just feeling as sad and uncertain as ever. I care about him so much, but how can I possibly move forward in a relationship where there has been emotional and physical abuse that he genuinely believes to be my fault?

I took a very hard line about abusive behavior with my wife: Emotional or physical abuse is not acceptable. Period. Of course there are reasons, but it doesn't matter, abuse is unacceptable for any reason. I will not tolerate or experience any more. I will not participate in discussions of why it was justified, triggered, deserved or anything else.

Our situation sounds different--We were looking for some sort of counseling to help, and she found a website for workshops for couples recovering from abuse in a relationship. (They only accepted couples who no longer had physical abuse going on, if it ever had) Anyhow upon reading it, my wife was horrified when she realized that she was the one who was being abusive, not me.

It doesn't sound like he is at this point yet.

There is a *very* fine line around this--when my wife was abusing me, she did have real feelings, often about something I was doing or wasn't doing. And to make a relationship work, I did had to be able to talk to her about those feelings. The slide from talking about her feelings to talking about how her feelings justified her (abusive) behavior toward me was something I had to watch out for.

I took the approach that since I was the one who was abused, I got to draw the line, and while I would try to be fair, it was my line, not hers. This is especially true because abuse is at its core about the abuser controlling the abused person, and I was no longer willing to risk that, no longer willing to hand that control over to her, especially here.

Title: Re: Saw my pwBPD for the first time in a week today.
Post by: formflier on March 02, 2017, 01:46:03 PM
Anyhow upon reading it, my wife was horrified when she realized that she was the one who was being abusive, not me.

Any chance you can post separately about this conversation.  Did she continue to "own" her actions or did she revert to "you made me do it?"

My wife has brief "flashes" where she can articulate and sound convincing that she understands what she does is wrong... .she will dance around the word abuse.


Title: Re: Saw my pwBPD for the first time in a week today.
Post by: Lalathegreat on March 03, 2017, 01:03:01 AM
The beginning of the conversation was essentially apologies for not being there for me lately, not being good enough to me, expressing sorrow for being a burden. Then we talked some about some health issues he's facing, and honestly it felt good to feel like he was letting me in a little bit again. Then when I decided to leave he made a leading comment about "I was thinking about... .well this probably isnt the time to talk about it." So I encouraged him to continue. Essentially the big reveal was that he wanted to tell me that he had been thinking a lot about his physical rages and has decided that the common thread is that it is a physical display of strength as in "stop ___ing with me". And I said something along the lines of "I want you to know that I was not intending to mess with you." And in looking back I already know that was not the right thing to say, we ended up in a cycle of "Yes you were! I was telling you that you were... ." And then me saying "I don't understand what I was doing that felt like an attack... ." and him "But I was telling you what you were doing... ." And essentially what I finally gathered was that he took my silence as a display of defiance. So I asked him what "backing down" would have looked like and basically said that in that moment he had needed an apology.

At one point he told me that he found it disturbing that he'd had this break through that he felt was a big deal and that I was so cold and unemotional about it. I told him that I wasn't trying to be cold, that I was thinking about what he was telling me and how to handle my actions differently and he got frustrated "That wasn't the point!"

That's the gist in a nutshell. As usual I have a hard time even retelling because his thinking is so different from mine that sometimes looking back I can't remember exactly WHAT he said. It really is like another language to me!

Title: Re: Saw my pwBPD for the first time in a week today.
Post by: formflier on March 03, 2017, 05:54:41 AM

Great post... lots of details.  I've had those conversations where they try to suck you in... and encourage you.

Change the big picture.  You are not a therapist for him  Sure... as romantic partners there is an emotional support role to play... .to there are limits.  Especially time limits to this.

Break it down to smaller bites.

I would increase the amount of reflecting back you do.  That will slow things down... .and get him to reflect on his words. 


Title: Re: Saw my pwBPD for the first time in a week today.
Post by: Grey Kitty on March 03, 2017, 10:51:32 AM
There is a reason people get a therapist to sort this kind of thing out. Well, a couple of them.

One is that the therapist has training and experience and knows how to handle this stuff better than you do.

The other one is that the therapist isn't directly involved, and can be objective in a way you never can. Therapists will not treat people they are involved with for a very good reason!

Yes, his realizations and understanding about why he physically raged at you is very important to him. Yes, he does need to work through it with somebody.

You can validate both these things.

You, however, are the worst person on the planet to go through this with him, because it was aimed at you, and you have no chance to be objective about it.

Try telling him something like this. If he isn't willing to see a therapist, you don't need to mention a therapist when you tell him this. And you might want to write it in an email so you feel safer delivering it. Think about what might be most effective. (And feel free to put up drafts here for critique  :) )