Title: BEHAVIORS: Difference between projection and devaluation? Post by: nonbpd-1981 on March 22, 2017, 03:50:59 PM Hi everyone,
Just trying to wrap my head around the difference between projection and devaluation. Is projection a form of devaluation? When you're relationship enters the devaluation phase do you tend to see more projections than usual? I know they are both defense mechanisms but I'm wandering if there are any other connections? Any feedback would be appreaciated. Thanks in advance. Title: Re: Difference between projection and devaluation? Post by: ZeusRLX on March 22, 2017, 04:39:31 PM Well, to give an example, one of my exes accused me of wanting to sleep and sleeping with other women but then I found out she was doing the same as she was accusing me of doing it. So she took what was true about herself and projected in on to me.
Sometimes, she would project positive things as well, depending on the cycle of her mood. So with me it always happened if the person is prone to it, but it would be negative projections more than positive after the devaluation. In the honeymoon stage she would project positive things on to me, many of which I didn't deserve (I didn't think so then), so she just made them up. So she would first project positive things on to me (many of them undeserved), after devaluation she would start to project negative things onto me (also, mostly undeserved). Also, some of my BPD exes used projection a lot, others considerably less so. Title: Re: Difference between projection and devaluation? Post by: Naughty Nibbler on March 22, 2017, 11:51:36 PM The workshop at the link below might explain devaluation for you:
FROM IDEALIZATION TO DEVALUATION (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=161524.0) |