
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Detaching and Learning after a Failed Relationship => Topic started by: TsunamiWave on April 26, 2017, 12:48:04 PM

Title: BPD ex cheated on me, insulted and blamed me
Post by: TsunamiWave on April 26, 2017, 12:48:04 PM
Hello everyone, im new in this forum and im writing this for very unfortunate reasons, i feel absolutely traumatized after what this girl has done to me.

So, me and this girl started talking in January, this is someone who has always for some years liked my stuff and somehow interacted with me on social media, we began talking in the end of January and it became a day to night thing, everyday. She started talking to me about her problems and i supported her on everything. We became closer and she would tell me more and more TILL WE HIT THE FIRST RED FLAG:

So after one month and something of talking, somehow we became very close she tells me all of a sudden that a boy likes her yet she doesnt love him but will use him to kill and fulfil her needs, i got really mad, felt disrespected and told her i was going to leave and she acted very agressively and yeah we stopped talking untill the next day she all of a sudden sends me a 10 minute video CRYING saying i didnt understand her well bla bla and we fixed things

As the months went by we became closer, where we admited that we both felt things for eachother, btw shes very attention seeking, posts about 10 pictures per day and posts rhe same amount on facebook so i ALWAYS suspected. We became even closer, and the closer we became the HEATED it got, we were having arguments like every 3 days, she would cut herself, threaten to suicide and blame it all on me, then suicide thing became almost daily to a point of her giving me 100 percent assurance when would kill herself and that there was nothing i could do.

We got even closer untill we met up in the beggining of April, so its 2 months talking untill we meet, she ended up kissing me that day, then we were pretty much together in that stage it was more of a thing to make it official, she pushed me to do things i didnt feel confortable to do, after only being with her once she wanted me to go see her compete and i told her i couldnt because i didnt feel 100 percent free with her and she got really mad, the guy she cheated on me with actually went to see her along with her friend.

The following week was her b day party where i showed up as a surprise after she begged me and threatned me that if i didnt go it woulr change everything, i showed up as a surprise, the guy she cheated on me with was there along with many who wanted something with her but she gave me attention whe WHOLE night and we started dating that night where i felt a little afraid to show affection because i was surrounded by her friends n parents who i never met but it went alright.

She claimer i was the most special person in her whole life and that she has been dreaming of me since 2013.

Then the other day we went out, she lives far away so she told her parents to come drive me home, it all went well.

Two days later, she went out with her friends and some guys, then i wasnt really active talking to her and i ignored one love you message and she absolutely freaked out on me, insulted me, said she didnt want a relationship like that and i was thinking she wanted to force me out of the relationship because she wanted someone else, i broke up.

Blocked her on social net works because the same day we argued she invited the guy she cheated on me with to her house, at the time i didnt suspect. Then they go out the next  day. Three days later her friend sends me a message insulting me the worst ways you can imagine, thsts when i broke my pride because having not done anything wrong i thought it was her job to come talk to me, but still broke my pride and talked to her. I also insulted her friend very badly

She seemed really different, i had to force her to tell me she loved me because she seemed with doubts, she cut herself and went to the hospital. I then asked her if she wanted to fix things and be with me again, i was very suspecting that something was going on behind, she said she loved me but that she wasnt come back just like that, to me that was an excuse. So i told her i respected her decision and that id move on with my life. She blocked me on every social network, i didnt say a thing, 2 days later she posts a pic with that guy saying she loves him, and comments all his pics on instagram saying she loved him etc.

I didnt show any response, i completely despiesed her for that, in the same week she dates me and swears she loves me but 3 days later shes got someone else? Then after 3 days with no response from me, she sends me a late night text

She insults me the worst things u can imagine, saying i should rot in hell, that im evil, that she hates me, that she feels sick for kissing me, said id suffer 3 times more with all of this and she said in this discussion that she loved the guy when i confronted her. She also threatned to sue me, show up at my door and publish what i told her in her social networks

2 days later they officialy date, have pics on fb, support from friends, etc she says she loves him.

How can a person be this evil? I have helped her so much, preventer her from suicide múltiple times, etc, loved her and she does this to me?

Not only she cheated, she also insulted me and blamed me for this, in the space of a week she went from loving me and dating me to loving him and dating him. This is absolutely insane. Im completely Heartbreaken and shocked, i have never seen a person this evil in my life, she feels no remorse, no nothing. She did this on purpose to a person who loved her...

Title: Re: BPD ex cheated on me, insulted and blamed me
Post by: Mutt on April 26, 2017, 08:44:27 PM
Hi TsunamiWave,  


‎thsts when i broke my pride because having not done anything wrong i thought it was her job to come talk to me, but still broke my pride and talked to her. I also insulted her friend very badly

You both had feelings for each other, i'd feel pretty invalidated and resentful that she's not acknowledging the pain that she's inflicting, in matter of 72 hours she does a 180, it's like a switch gets turned and the person that you know is no longer present and replaced wtih someone that doesn't want to repair the r/s but wants to tear it down. You were there for her when she was really depressed and suicidal. I'd feel angry

‎2 days later she posts a pic with that guy saying she loves him, and comments all his pics on instagram saying she loved him etc.

It's like mentioned earlier, he gets a different version of her than you do, i'd feel jealous and distress because the reality is that I've lost someone that I shared an intimate connection and now there's a wedge, the other man that's blocking me from her. Seeing the comments and her idealization of the other on social media has to be hard to watch. I'm sorry that you're going through this.

Is she still making accusations? Are you responding to her accusations?

Title: Re: BPD ex cheated on me, insulted and blamed me
Post by: TsunamiWave on April 27, 2017, 11:43:31 AM
Hi TsunamiWave,  


You both had feelings for each other, i'd feel pretty invalidated and resentful that she's not acknowledging the pain that she's inflicting, in matter of 72 hours she does a 180, it's like a switch gets turned and the person that you know is no longer present and replaced wtih someone that doesn't want to repair the r/s but wants to tear it down. You were there for her when she was really depressed and suicidal. I'd feel angry

It's like mentioned earlier, he gets a different version of her than you do, i'd feel jealous and distress because the reality is that I've lost someone that I shared an intimate connection and now there's a wedge, the other man that's blocking me from her. Seeing the comments and her idealization of the other on social media has to be hard to watch. I'm sorry that you're going through this.

Is she still making accusations? Are you responding to her accusations?

Its very hard, i have never seen someone with such lack of empathy, she clearly has sociopath traits.

I told her i was moving on, she got a new bf 3 days later and then ididnt say a thing, she sent me a lot of messages insulting me 1 day later and now shes posting photos w him all over socialmedia saying she loves him etc.

I doubt she will come back...