Title: Will it be a Happy Mothers Day? Post by: Moonshiney on May 13, 2017, 06:45:42 AM I am new to this board. My BPD daughter hates me as much as she loves me. Mother's Day is tomorrow and I will be spending the day with her. If only Mother's Day could be a day I could enjoy, but she is so mean on special days like holidays and birthdays - I just don't get it. I'll work on my validating and hope it's not another day walking on eggs. My own mom and I are waiting to see what mood she will be in before we visit her. If she is out of sorts - it will be just me visiting mom. I hope all the moms here have a wonderful Mother's Day and our BPD people are calm and loving.
Title: Re: Will it be a Happy Mothers Day? Post by: Mutt on May 14, 2017, 03:03:48 PM Hi Moonshiney,
*welcome* Happy Mothers Day :) |