
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: CR on June 01, 2017, 10:06:05 AM

Title: I think my husband has BPD
Post by: CR on June 01, 2017, 10:06:05 AM
 My husband and I are currently separated.  We haven't been married very long and have both been married before.  He told me he loved me within two weeks of meeting and we had an extremely intense relationship discussing marriage immediately.  We were engaged at six months and married a year to the date of the day we met  
 We separated 3 months ago and it has been horrific. He has told me he loved me and wanted to work things out and within minutes turned around, blocked me on social media and on phone and email and told me it wasn't going to work.  Within a week he reaches out with some random question and open the lines of communication again saying we are going to work things out and then does it again   This is happened four times at least since mid February    Every time I am crushed and I'm seriously starting to believe he has borderline personality disorder or maybe PTSD    He's been a firefighter for 10 years and have certainly seen his share of Trauma.   His biological father died when he was an early teen but he never had a relationship with him anyway.   He never developed a relationship or bond with his stepdad. He doesn't abuse alcohol or drugs.  He isn't lazy and he is very helpful with things around the house like cooking, cleaning or meals   He does however tried to people please and often  promises things he can't follow through with     I don't know what to do and I can't stand this back-and-forth    I can't stand the I love use I can't live without you and minutes later him posting on Facebook that we're getting a divorce    Can anyone shed some light on this and how I should handle it    I am a better Christian now than I was in the past and I really would like to take divorce off the table, but I know that's out of my control    

Title: Re: I think my husband has BPD
Post by: Meili on June 02, 2017, 09:34:33 AM

I posted a link in your other thread about understanding the behaviors of your partner. I hope that it sheds some light on what you have been experiencing.