Title: BPD Disorder Partner Post by: Newyoungfather on June 10, 2017, 10:13:18 PM Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to co-parent with the mother of my child who I believe has borderline personality disorder. I would like to describe some of her traits/actions which I believe why she may has BPD. My intention is not to have her diagnosed/bashed online but to shed light and lead me in the right direction to co parenting skills in case she does have BPD. Her actions. Within the first week of meeting her she tried to get pregnant. After having sex she went to the bathroom and put my semen inside her. Every time I would bring something up that she did, she would immediately break up with me but then come running back and say how sorry she is. For instance she brought up about a previous guy she did things with and when I said it bothered me she brings this type of stuff up she would break up. She would justify why she would steal things. For instance at a clothes store she said the prices are too high anyhow and she would steal for revenge. She would explain of how her mother was a narcissist and would always put down her feelings. In therapy she explain how she learned to bottle all of her emotions up and she doesn't know how to control them when they surface. After having my child and me breaking it off she jumped into a new relationship within 4 months. She said he broke up with her previous boyfriend out of the blue because he told her he can't sleep over anymore. (Fear of abandonment?) Hopefully anyone out there can help me with this? Title: Re: BPD Disorder Partner Post by: Turkish on June 10, 2017, 11:55:00 PM We will certainly support you.
The past is what it is. We've all been there. I'm glad you are reaching out to others :) How old is your child now, and what is the custody situation? Title: Re: BPD Disorder Partner Post by: Newyoungfather on June 10, 2017, 11:58:01 PM My son is 15 months. I was never married, (thank god) so I dodged the bullet on protecting my assets. I currently live an hour away from my sons mother so the judge recommended a 38/62 percent split. I'm sure she has BPD based on the traits I provided. I am planning to move closer to my son's primary residence and hopefully I can get 50/50.
Title: Re: BPD Disorder Partner Post by: Turkish on June 11, 2017, 12:24:58 AM I'm like you, never married, yet had two kids, now 5 and 7; 1 and just turned 4 when she left. I took care of our daughter fine when she was 19 months.
Given the age of your baby, it's understandable from the court's point of view why the split it like they did, even if it was unnecessary. You are fully capable of taking care of a baby at this age, yes? You might want to post the legal questions to the Law Board while we can support you here regarding co'-parenting Title: Re: BPD Disorder Partner Post by: Newyoungfather on June 11, 2017, 12:35:10 AM Yup, I'm fully capable of taking care of my son, I actually own my house and have a steady full time job. The only thing the court used against me was my sons age (supposedly he's breastfeeding) and that his primary residence is about an hour or so away from me.
According to my attorney I need to file for custody is steps. I filed first after he was born, then I filed another modification to get more time. Before his first birth I had roughly 30% time and i will be picking up another overnight in a few months. |