Title: 9 new Facebook profiles Post by: insideoutside on July 29, 2017, 06:38:08 PM I wasn't going to post but I have to get this down and out of my head.
Yesterday I found NINE new Facebook profiles which may be linked to my friend. Same first name and surname but one letter changed. My friend has a very unusual surname so this makes me highly suspicious. Plus the letter that was changed was the first letter of his surname which happens to be next to the correct letter of his surname. No profile photos, just all blank. Maybe just a fluke but as soon as I saw them I instinctively knew it was him. This boggles my mind. Is it trying to grab my attention? Or has he peeved somebody else and trying to get their attention? I dunno; this Facebook lark is ridiculous. Title: Re: 9 new Facebook profiles Post by: enlighten me on July 30, 2017, 11:28:56 AM facebook is ridiculous. My exgf changes her profile picture constantly she also checks out my page quite a lot (very easy to see whose viewed you). Several profiles probably mean they use them to snoop on people. It could be coincidence but if your gut says it him then it probably is.