
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: nvrdull10 on September 24, 2017, 01:45:22 PM

Title: Angry with me because I avoided a hot button topic
Post by: nvrdull10 on September 24, 2017, 01:45:22 PM
Last I posted, xBPDh and I weren't really speaking after the blowup that happened last week. (See my previous post.) Things have softened in the last couple of days and we were at least on speaking terms, though still nothing said about the incident.
Last night he came home from work and informed me that he's decided he just doesn't want to be in a relationship at all and he has things he needs to work on from his childhood so it's best if I continue to look for a new place and plan on moving out in the next couple months. I just said ok and also told him I wouldn't be engaging in anymore arguments until then so we needed to keep communication civil and neutral. He agreed.
This morning was relatively quiet, we had some pleasant chit chat about my daughter getting asked to Homecoming and talking about some school related stuff with our son. A little later on he asked me which spelling of the word "too" would be correct in a tweet he was posting saying I, too, am boycotting watching the NFL today. I assume it's in reference to the kneeling protests so I give him the spelling and say nothing else. Then he asks if I want to read what he posted and I said no thank you. I already knew whatever it said was not going to sit well with me, as my opinion on the topic is definitely not the same. So here's how that went:

Him: do you want to read what I posted?
Me- no thank you
Him: oh that's right, no one can disagree with you. Just forget it.
Me: you and I both know I won't agree so I don't see the point in starting an argument.
Him: we are just opposite in everything (tone is becoming angry and accusatory at this point). Name one thing we agree on.
Me: (listing off several things we do together - like same type comedy, some of same music, going to outdoor festivals, some tv shows we watch together)
Him: I don't like any of your shows
Me: ok.
Him: you just don't like anyone who disagrees with you
Me: we used to be able to have civil discussions about politics and world events but we haven't been able to do that in a long time so I don't think we should talk about it at all.
Him: you get all crazy when we try to talk about anything so let's just not talk at all

I left the room at that point. Five minutes later I heard the front door open and close and he's left. Don't know where to or when he will be back. He knows it bothers me when he leaves without saying anything, mostly because I think it's just rude to not communicate your plans with someone you live with - at least when you plan on returning and when you're leaving the other person to care for the children alone.

I'm glad I disengaged without yelling, screaming, etc. it will remain to be seen what happens when he returns.