
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Mitmit on October 29, 2017, 07:49:03 AM

Title: Need hope
Post by: Mitmit on October 29, 2017, 07:49:03 AM

This is the first time I have reached out to other parents who are going through a similar situation so please bear with me. I am a mother of a 22year old daughter with BPD, we have been living this nightmare for 5 years and I'm struggling to stay positive for my daughter. She has attempted suicide and been hospitalised several times (voluntary and through a section 2) she self harms and is covered in scars all over her body from cutting and burning and self medicates with drugs, mainly cannabis and more recently coke. My daughter has been offered therapy but dosnt engage with it as she says she can't concentrate. She tells me on a daily basis that she wants to die and that nothing can help her. She has  a cpn who sees her weekly and is currently in hospital in a section 2 which is due to be lifted next friday. We have been in this situation more times than I can remember and I know she will be discharged back into community support when nothing has changed, how do other parents cope and try to stay positive when losing hope that things will improve ?

Title: Re: Need hope
Post by: livednlearned on October 29, 2017, 04:35:35 PM

I'm so sorry for the pain that brings you here  and glad you found the site.

Your daughter feels hopeless and isn't finding anything that gives her as much relief as the things that make her worse -- it can feel overwhelming to stand by so helpless. Hospitals are terrible at taking care of people with mental illnesses.

What kind of therapy was your daughter offered? Do you have access to a psychiatrist who specializes in BPD? I'm not familiar with cpn -- is that a nurse?

When your daughter tells you she wants to die, how do you respond?

What is your relationship with her like?

We are here to walk with you, Mitmit.

You are not alone