Title: My fiancé has left me abruptly Post by: demolishedheart on November 14, 2017, 11:44:23 PM My fiancé left me abruptly and won’t talk to me. She is also bipolar.
Title: Re: My fiancé has left me abruptly Post by: pearlsw on November 15, 2017, 05:11:38 AM Hi demolishedheart,
Welcome to the family here, but sorry to hear this news! I can only imagine this was a painful shock for you. Has this happened before with her? Does she tend to push/pull you? Your fiancé has BPD and is also bipolar? How are you feeling? Can you provide more details as to what happened? take care, pearlsw. Title: Re: My fiancé has left me abruptly Post by: AskingWhy on November 15, 2017, 03:13:22 PM demolishedheart, I am so sorry about this.
The best advice I can give is to not take it personally. This is not about you but about her. This is one of the hardest things in a relationship with a person with PDs. They don't function emotionally like the nons. Please don't blame yourself for this. |