
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Eli on December 10, 2017, 03:36:10 PM

Title: I'm having difficulty using the website
Post by: Eli on December 10, 2017, 03:36:10 PM
Hi I'm new here and am not sure what I'm doing. Is there someone
I can contact for support? The Help isn't helping and I'm getting
frustrated. Mom of young adult son w/BPD

Title: Re: I'm having difficulty using the website
Post by: Panda39 on December 10, 2017, 09:13:21 PM
Hi Eli,

Welcome to the BPD Family   

Your post is coming across fine to me.  What are you having trouble with, maybe I can help.

(To reply click on the "reply tab" at the bottom of the page)

I'm also interested in hearing more of your story and about your son once we can get you up and running  :)

Take Care,

Title: Re: I'm having difficulty using the website
Post by: Eli on December 11, 2017, 07:40:44 AM
Hi Panda39, thanks for your reply. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, probably need to spend a bit more time as this is a huge but very informative website. I'll try to carve out time to sit down and sort out what is what. I'm in the midst of crisis off and on so I'm often interrupted and need to go put out fires with my son and his BPD. I will write more soon when I get the chance. I truly appreciate your response and glad to know there are real people out there who can help and support others.
kindly yours, Eli

Title: Re: I'm having difficulty using the website
Post by: Huat on December 11, 2017, 10:23:22 AM
Hi Eli... .and welcome.  Yep!  We are here and hearing (reading) you.

It took me a long while to become familiar with how to navigate through this website... .but practice makes perfect (or somewhere close to it).

Looking forward to seeing your name pop up and hope you get the same comfort that I have by participating/sharing on this forum.  I find that it takes some of the weight off my shoulders when I put my fingers on the keyboard and pour out my heart, knowing that I am heard (read) and my feelings are getting validated.

When the spirit moves you... .and you have the time... .tell us more about those "fires" you work on putting out.

Huat :)

Title: Re: I'm having difficulty using the website
Post by: Sima on December 11, 2017, 10:16:17 PM
Hi, I am Sima. I am a bit overwhelmed with this site, so much going on. This is also not easy manipulating on line as it is with the youth of today. Anyway, I felt a connection to Eli because of this and that we are both parents with a similar concern. I feel the title a little off since I am talking about an adult child who has children.
I do feel guilty that I hadn't seen or at least hadn't recognized his behaviors as problematic before. This came to a head two years ago. When a barrage of emails, long emails, containing blame and misinterpretation began. Grandchildren were used as pawns. Forbidden to buy gifts for them.
Some of this changed because their mother sees the importance of our relationship and comes over with them. But I know she has a hard time. We confided in each other that we see he has a problem. There is more. But it just goes on. I send the emails directly to a file now. At times an abundance of texts come. But I hear he is suffering. I offered to pay for and go to therapy but he refuses my offer says he can't afford and won't take money (He has taken for rent, bills,etc. when he needed) He says his parents need to go for help and to learn how to communicate and establish trust.
I feel is a person is hurting they should go for help. But he says it is ours to fix us. His wife told me he has insurance and printed him a list of providers but no... .he wants me to go find someone. I rote to him that he probably won't like who I choose. He agreed but said I need to anyway. There is more of a back story but here I am not able to go to grandparent days and such. I feel bad for his whole family.