
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Eli on December 11, 2017, 04:55:32 PM

Title: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS: Anyone tried it for BPD?
Post by: Eli on December 11, 2017, 04:55:32 PM
Greetings, my 20 yr old son is dealing with BPD. He was incorrectly diagnosed with Bipolar II depressive type in 2013. In 2016 he got the BPD diagnosis from the same doc. But she didn't change treatment and he soon stopped seeing her. He's been most stable and felt the best after a 12 week DBT course with peer group a couple years ago when we still thought it was bipolar. Maybe it's both? We are currently looking into having TMS treatments which is a big commitment of time but can help with depression. Has anyone tried it and had any degree of success? It's supposed to "rebalance" the brain. I'd be curious to hear of others experience, good or bad or anywhere in between. Also, has anyone had success with individual DBT that is not in a group? Is that been successful? Are groups better for DBT? I'm looking forward to reading your experiences.

Title: Re: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS: Anyone tried it for BPD?
Post by: JustYouWait on December 12, 2017, 07:25:25 AM
Hey, Eli -

Man, I'm I a similar boat, DD19 also incorrectly id'd as Bipolar 2 for about 18 months, recently with BPD.  From what I understand, there can be both BPD as well as bipolar, so that's awesome (/sarcasm/).  I say that empathetically, as someone sitting on the same couch as you - you're not alone.

I haven't looked into magnets resetting the brain, but I'm literally open to any suggestions - because, as we say in my house, "everything else hasn't worked, let's try this>  Orange peels behind the knees?  Sure.  Handstands while singing Abba tunes?  Why not?  Magnets for the brain?  Can't hurt."

Good luck, and keep us posted.

Title: Re: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS: Anyone tried it for BPD?
Post by: Eli on December 12, 2017, 08:00:08 AM
Hi JustYouWait, I really appreciate your sense of humor in a world that is way too serious. If my son decides to follow through with the TMS I'll let you know how it goes. I guess the good part is that TMS has no side effects, other than the time and dedication involved... . 

I haven't been able to smile about any of this until reading your post. Thanks for sharing the couch.

Title: Re: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation TMS: Anyone tried it for BPD?
Post by: JustYouWait on December 12, 2017, 08:13:39 AM
Hi JustYouWait, I really appreciate your sense of humor in a world that is way too serious.

I haven't been able to smile about any of this until reading your post. Thanks for sharing the couch.

My sense of humor, however dark and morbid, and potentially offensive to some, is the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning, some days.  Glad you got the joke.

Truth is, it's gallows humor, and I think most of the people here "get it" that I'm laughing in the face of this sh***y situation, despite the situation, because of the situation.

As for the couch - I don't own it, and I don't know who does, but the good thing is that it's a sectional, and can always fit another body.  I apologize in advance for the odor - I had beans last night.

On another note, if you ever wanted to watch someone make truthful mirth about mental disease and not feel bad about laughing out loud about it, check out Patton Oswalt's "My Weakness is Strong" special.  He's fantastic - and he's has crippling depression.