
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Conflicted About Continuing, Divorcing/Custody, Co-parenting => Topic started by: toomanydogs on January 19, 2018, 09:14:21 AM

Title: Psychiatrist is H's Ever Present Sidekick During Divorce. Opinions? Advice?
Post by: toomanydogs on January 19, 2018, 09:14:21 AM
Okay, for some of you who have followed my story here, you may not be surprised, but... .

I found out last week that my H, who initiated the divorce, attends all his lawyer's meeting with his P by his side. P is female, and I have reason to believe they have had sexual contact.

My opinion on psychiatrists--an opinion I shared with H's P--is that they are the most easily replaced in a client's social network, as their worth and focus are on med management. My opinion? Once the meds are prescribed, the client could easily transfer to another doc for management. For me, if a client needs meds and s/he sees a P, cool, but the meds--especially with the personality disorders--take a back seat to a good therapist.

Anyhow, knowing that the P accompanies my H to all the lawyer meetings makes my skin crawl. I think it is inappropriate, and if my H is big enough to file for divorce, he's big enough to do it on his own. Grrr.

Better news. I have a dynamite legal team. I am now seeing a different lawyer at the same firm as this lawyer has more experience in complex financial situations, which I am in.

Happy Friday, everyone! Have a good weekend!

Title: Re: Psychiatrist is H's Ever Present Sidekick During Divorce. Opinions? Advice?
Post by: Turkish on January 19, 2018, 10:08:57 PM
By the hour,  that must be expensive for him. 

Title: Re: Psychiatrist is H's Ever Present Sidekick During Divorce. Opinions? Advice?
Post by: formflier on January 20, 2018, 01:37:08 PM


Make sure your lawyer knows of your "reasons" to suspect sexual contact.  Lay it all out there. 

I'm going to assume there is no "hard proof"... .if there is... please let us know.

Then, perhaps your L can ask for billing records.  Perhaps under another guise.  Perhaps something about insurance billing.  Anyway, the point is you want to find time where you know they are together (such as a hearing) and she is NOT billing. 

If you can prove that... .now you may have something to use to put a wedge in there.

If she is billing for all of this, I suspect this will be tough to prove or otherwise use, absent hard proof.


Title: Re: Psychiatrist is H's Ever Present Sidekick During Divorce. Opinions? Advice?
Post by: livednlearned on January 20, 2018, 03:22:52 PM
Make sure your lawyer knows of your "reasons" to suspect sexual contact.  Lay it all out there. 

FF, why would that matter to her L?

Not sure I'm following your logic here.

Title: Re: Psychiatrist is H's Ever Present Sidekick During Divorce. Opinions? Advice?
Post by: formflier on January 20, 2018, 04:43:44 PM
FF, why would that matter to her L?

Not sure I'm following your logic here.

If there is a profession involving themselves in a legal case and they are shown to be unethical, that discredits their influence.

I'm assuming P is not showing up to help TMD.

If P starts blabbing on about how her client was abused by TMD or manipulated or whatever... .it would be good to show the "expert" witness has another potential agenda.


Honestly... .I don't think anything will come of this, but sometimes a smoking gun will fall out... .if you rummage around some.  Just don't count on it.


And... generally Ls are not ones to "hold back" info on.  Ls and doctors need to have all the info.  Trust that they will dismiss what they can't use or isn't pertinent.

Title: Re: Psychiatrist is H's Ever Present Sidekick During Divorce. Opinions? Advice?
Post by: toomanydogs on January 22, 2018, 09:48:06 AM
Thanks FF,
  Can I just admit how enervating this process is? I am so tired of the drama.
  My lawyer meets with H's lawyer today. H's lawyer was supposed to meet with either my H or FIL last week, but H was out of town. Can I also admit here how angry I feel that I have had to borrow money, sell things in order to pay my expenses while H is flying off for weekends? Yeah, I understand he was the one who came from money, but we were married for 10 years. And I am now on food stamps and social security.
  Never mind, I am too angry, too hurt, too wrapped up in 'what in the hell am I supposed to do' to be very coherent.
  This year was the year I learned to hate. May 2018 be the year I relearn compassion,