
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: HelpMeObiWan on January 30, 2018, 02:14:24 AM

Title: How do I deal with suicide threats?
Post by: HelpMeObiWan on January 30, 2018, 02:14:24 AM
I’ve known my best friend for awhile now... .She’s had some issues lately and she has been tellling me she is going to commit suicide. I keep telling her if she does, I will call the police but she has been somewhat okay with that until recently.

She slept with someone who was married and he broke her heart. So she’s been cutting and telling me she’s going to end her life because of this man. So again I said I was going to report it to 911 and her father. She’s threatened me before about other things but tonight it just seemed too real. The way she said it made me really scared.

I don’t know what to do anymore. Some of my other friend s have said to just call 911 and let her be mad but others say she just want the attention.

Title: Re: How do I deal with suicide threats?
Post by: Insom on January 30, 2018, 12:33:58 PM

Hi, HelpMeObiWan.  Welcome. 

I know how scary suicide threats can feel.

FWIW, I called 911 when my ex threatened suicide.  Dispatcher exhorted me to bring him to hospital, which I did, and it was there that he was able to get help and ultimately diagnosed.  So the outcome was good.

I said I was going to report it to 911 and her father

Have you reached out to her father yet?  It sounds like you could use some support. 

Title: Re: How do I deal with suicide threats?
Post by: Jeffree on January 30, 2018, 03:47:45 PM
As far as I understand it, you have to report it and get the person to safety.

I had to do that with my SS18 a couple of years ago. He said the magic words, and it was right to the intake.


Title: Re: How do I deal with suicide threats?
Post by: Harley Quinn on January 30, 2018, 05:10:45 PM
Handling suicide threats is really anxiety provoking, so I feel for you.  I've had to deal with this a lot with my exBPDbf and the very first time I panicked.  Try to remain calm and be supportive.  It's impossible to know when a threat is 'real' or not, and the fact is that we should treat all talk of suicide as a real risk.  You must remember that you yourself are not an expert or trained professional and that what is important is that if she is having these feelings, it is the help of such individuals that she needs.   

Does she undergo any treatment presently?  If she already has mental health team involvement, then she may have a crisis management plan.  If not, I'd advise you to encourage her to contact a crisis support line.  There is even a text line that can be used if she doesn't feel like engaging verbally with someone.  She can text Hello to 741741 and open up a dialogue with someone who is accustomed to supporting people in crisis.

Here's the link to our Safety First document on the site, which has a section for Suicidal Ideation and may help you to be prepared for what to do when these situations come up.  I hope it is helpful.  Safety First (https://bpdfamily.com/discussions/search-info2.htm). 

Take good care of yourself.  Having someone in your life who is prone to crisis is extremely stressful, so be mindful of your own limits.  Getting drawn into a drama with a person who is feeling unsafe is not good for either of you.  Try to focus on the end game of getting her to engage with the help that she needs, without being pushy.  There is good advice within the link, so take a little time to brief yourself on it if you are taken unawares and you have the opportunity to prepare yourself before responding.  Knowing what to do and say in such an emotionally triggering situation can take a weight off you. 

Love and light x