Title: Sister Passed Away Post by: sisbpd on February 08, 2018, 09:52:39 PM My sister passed away yesterday at 27 years old. I am numb. She survived so many close calls. It just seems so arbitrary that this was it. My parents are destroyed. I am not sure how to go on without being her big sister.
Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: Panda39 on February 08, 2018, 10:08:13 PM BPDsis,
Sending you and my deepest sympathy. I am so sorry for your loss. Panda39 Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: Yuu on February 08, 2018, 11:32:27 PM SisBPD,
I am so sorry for your loss. Stay strong there. Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: Turkish on February 08, 2018, 11:59:59 PM So sorry for your loss, sisBPD... .
Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: Kwamina on February 09, 2018, 12:40:45 AM Hi sisBPD
I am very sorry for your loss. I remember your last few threads quite well in which you expressed your concerns about your sister's behavior and how it affected your parents as well. You refused to give up hope but it was difficult and it struck me back then how you felt the system was in a way perhaps letting your sister down instead of providing the support she needed. It is very sad that she is now no longer with you all. Know that we are here for you when you want to talk Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: Vanilla Sky on February 09, 2018, 06:14:24 AM I am truly sorry for your loss sisBPD. Please know that we are here for you.
With Love. Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: No-One on February 09, 2018, 07:56:48 PM SisBPD:
I'm so very sorry about the loss of your sister. I know you really loved her and wanted her to get better and be able to live a more normal life. Some things are just outside of our control to prevent or fix. Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: Pilate on February 09, 2018, 08:05:00 PM I am so sorry for your loss.
Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: sisbpd on February 09, 2018, 11:10:26 PM Hi Everyone. Thank you for the love. We are very disturbed- it seems she was left to die of a heroin overdose outside in the cold. The thing I worry about the most was whether she felt the cold in the middle of her OD. It is such a horrible thing to leave another human being to die. My heart is broken. My sister had a good heart and she did not deserve this death. Do people still have a sense of temperature during an OD? Does anyone know?
Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: Turkish on February 09, 2018, 11:25:40 PM That is disturbing that she was left, an unnecessary passing... .
Excerpt A person on the verge of an overdose rarely realizes what is happening to them I think what you are asking is did she suffer... . Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: sisbpd on February 09, 2018, 11:30:11 PM Precisely. I want to know if my baby sister was suffering when someone left her like trash on the front lawn to die.Clearly I’m entering the anger stage of grief.
Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: Gardengoddess on February 09, 2018, 11:43:31 PM Hi Everyone. Thank you for the love. We are very disturbed... .Do people still have a sense of temperature during an OD? Does anyone know? Oh dear one. I am so very sorry that your sister died and that she died in such a traumatizing way for you. You are right, no one deserves to die in the cold. I am not a medical professional, but I can share with you what I learned recently when my dad (BPD) died on New Year's Day. They had him on morphine to protect him from the pain of his AVM aneurism. He did not feel anything when they dosed him up in the hospital. He was free from all pain, emotional and physical. I know because as soon as I entered that hospital room after 4 years of not speaking to him, I linked up with him energetically. That sounds very woo-woo but maybe you understand. The bond that we can have with the BPDs in our life is very strong. We fought for him to get that morphine drip because even though he had lost control of his body, we could see, and I could feel, that he was in pain. He was very far away from his body once the morphine hit him. The morphine gave him peace. I know it is not the same, but I would think that your beloved sister felt nothing but bliss when she died. There is no pain or discomfort in that state, even as the body shuts down. Please take exquisite care of yourself, and reach out however you can to friends and family, and here. You deserve all of the love and support. Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: Turkish on February 10, 2018, 12:01:55 AM Precisely. I want to know if my baby sister was suffering when someone left her like trash on the front lawn to die.Clearly I’m entering the anger stage of grief. I'd want to hold someone accountable. I'd be angry. Is there someone (s) to hold accountable, or at least people from whom you can get answers? Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: sisbpd on February 10, 2018, 04:43:28 AM The police are working on it. I hope they find the person that we suspect left her.
Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: No-One on February 10, 2018, 01:57:26 PM Do people still have a sense of temperature during an OD? Does anyone know? Per the quote below, at the noted website, it's likely that your sister was in a eurphoric state and just quit breathing. I'm thinking that it was quick and that there was no lingering or awareness of the cold. Quote from: https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/heroin-addiction/are-heroin-overdoses-painful/#gref What Happens when You Overdose? While heroin can create a euphoric high, it’s affecting your body in other ways at the same time. When you take the drug, it impacts your respiratory system and central nervous system. The drug slows your breathing, and when you overdose basically your body has forgotten how to breathe. Without heroin, your body naturally knows how to breathe, but with heroin, you fall asleep, and you just stop breathing when you overdose. . . Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: toomanydogs on February 10, 2018, 02:11:32 PM Dear BPDsis,
I am so sorry for your loss. I have five sisters and the thought of losing any of them is incomprehensible. TMD Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: RDMaggie on February 10, 2018, 06:18:36 PM I am new to the community, so unfamiliar with your story, but I'm sending my warmest and sincerest of condolences for the loss of your sister.
I have been a palliative care nurse for 10 years and morphine is our go to drug with end of life care, which is what heroin quickly metabolizes into. Of course these patients don't report back their experiences but they are comfortable. I would imagine your sister passed away feeling warm and euphoric. I hope you get answers, I hope these people are held responsible, and once again, I am so sorry for your loss. Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: Woolspinner2000 on February 11, 2018, 07:39:36 PM Oh sisBPD,
I am so very sorry. Many hugs and prayers go out to you. It is so sad. How are you doing? Wools Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: Merike65 on February 11, 2018, 08:57:02 PM I am so sorry for your lost. I've been through it. Feel free to. PM me.
Love Merike65 Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: sisbpd on February 12, 2018, 02:05:22 AM Thank you so much. I went down a rabbit hole online and survivors of ODs on heroin and similar substances basically said what you are saying. This gives me tremendous comfort. The thought of my sister feeling cold, afraid, or alone was unbearable for me. Thank you.
I am new to the community, so unfamiliar with your story, but I'm sending my warmest and sincerest of condolences for the loss of your sister. I have been a palliative care nurse for 10 years and morphine is our go to drug with end of life care, which is what heroin quickly metabolizes into. Of course these patients don't report back their experiences but they are comfortable. I would imagine your sister passed away feeling warm and euphoric. I hope you get answers, I hope these people are held responsible, and once again, I am so sorry for your loss. Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: sisbpd on February 12, 2018, 02:05:55 AM Thank you.
I am so sorry for your lost. I've been through it. Feel free to. PM me. Love Merike65 Title: Re: Sister Passed Away Post by: sisbpd on February 12, 2018, 02:06:41 AM Hanging in, but obviously not sleeping well. It's hitting me in waves.
Oh sisBPD, I am so very sorry. Many hugs and prayers go out to you. It is so sad. How are you doing? Wools |