
Relationship Partner with BPD (Straight and LGBT+) => Romantic Relationship | Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup => Topic started by: CryWolf on April 02, 2018, 10:55:22 PM

Title: Does no contact work in order to get an expwBPD back if they left you?
Post by: CryWolf on April 02, 2018, 10:55:22 PM
Hey all,
Does no contact work in order to get an expwBPD back if they left you?  :)o they start to miss you and want to reach out? Or are they too ashamed and rather find someone else? Are they over you and mean it?

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: blooming on April 03, 2018, 12:31:03 AM
With me it worked, three times actually. All the times that my ex broke up with me I didn't initiate any contact and after a while (first two weeks, then three weeks, the last time five weeks) he always came back to me, saying he missed me and that he wanted to try again.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: Daffodill on April 03, 2018, 08:07:37 AM
I've gone NC a few times, once after a really bad fight/break-up.  It "works" in terms of him coming back and he's all sweet and sorry about everything, but nothing really changes.  NC just seems to trigger his abandonment issues and as soon as you are "back together", the same issues that were there before start to come back.  I'm working on trying other approaches to our issues.  Time outs/breaks from each other seem to help, but there is much more work that needs to be done on both our parts.  He's not really open to doing anything now, but I've started going to a 6 week BPD Education group and will be starting individual counseling this week.  I've also joined a monthly support group they are offering that will start soon.  I'm hoping if I can at least adjust how I interact with him that it will help some.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 03, 2018, 09:09:55 AM
It’s been over a month now since I stopped chasing my ex and cut all contact. She has not came back. She only came back a few times after breaking up with me in the course of 3 years. I always chased and pursued and asked to take me back when she left.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: isilme on April 03, 2018, 09:35:23 AM
Going NC is not really supposed to be a tool to "make them come back."  It's a boundary to protect you from their unstable emotions and influence while you try to break free from enmeshment, gaslighting, and take some stock of what you want and what you need in a partner, and if this person can give you enough of that to re-establish contact. It's a time for you to focus on getting mentally healthy.

None of the boundaries are really meant to change the BPD person, but to protect you.  The boundaries you choose, NC being one of them, can influence the BPD person, but the goal is to work on you, in order to make sure you are able to not contribute to the drama cycle.  

I am NC with my BPD parents.  Forever it seems.  It's the only way I can protect myself from them, as they are very toxic and my upbringing was incredibly damaging and makes me prone to enmeshment.

Taking a break is NC/Limited contact (LC) where you know your goal is to get them back/return to having a relationship following a turbulent period.  It's not playing hard to get.  It's not a game.  It is still protecting you from them until they can calm down and "reset" to a sort of baseline where conversations and interaction can actually take place.  They rely on us to manage their emotions.  This is unhealthy for both of us.  So we have to take that option off the table, often by not being there to do it for them.  They also want to push us away while keeping us tethered just enough to pull us back when the abandonment gets too real.  This bouncing back and forth, close, broken up, all over the place is not a good place to be, not a place where you can build a life of any kind together.

We can't change them.  We can change us.  As we update and adapt our responses to them to be healthier, we Do put them into a position where their old tactics aren't getting the response they are used to, so they need to try new ones but that is more of a side-effect of us working on us.  

Take time apart to get squared away.  :)on't feel you need to respond to every message, especially not ones you can tell are intended to keep a fight going.  Only you can judge when the time to end NC is, and they might very well not be able to handle it - this is sad, but okay - they are free to make their own choices about the r/s, just as you are.  If you feel a need/desire to reach out, go ahead. 

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: Tattered Heart on April 03, 2018, 09:46:34 AM
I'd like to add on to what isilme said. We cannot make other people do anything. They will choose to come back or not to come back. The important part is to work on yourself during your time apart so that you can be in the healthiest place when/if they return.

What can you do to work towards better responses to someone with BPD?
What type of reactions to your pwBPD do you think you need to address better?

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 03, 2018, 04:56:41 PM

We can't change them.  We can change us.  As we update and adapt our responses to them to be healthier, we Do put them into a position where their old tactics aren't getting the response they are used to, so they need to try new ones but that is more of a side-effect of us working on us.  

Take time apart to get squared away.  :)on't feel you need to respond to every message, especially not ones you can tell are intended to keep a fight going.  Only you can judge when the time to end NC is, and they might very well not be able to handle it - this is sad, but okay - they are free to make their own choices about the r/s, just as you are.  If you feel a need/desire to reach out, go ahead. 

I want to break NC but I do not know what to say without pushing her away.

 During our breakup, I was the one always texting and approaching her and it only pushed her away and more mad. I dont want to push her away anymore. Im not doing no contact to manipulate her but she left me and im respecting her wishes.

I did a lot of jading and invalidation without knowing these tools. I want her to know I changed and Im not that same person she broke up with. I feel so much more confident and secure as a person now. I know my absence and space is what she wanted and should be showing her a lot that i did change. But I want to reach out. Not sure if this is the right time, or wait til she reaches out.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 03, 2018, 05:03:06 PM
I'd like to add on to what isilme said. We cannot make other people do anything. They will choose to come back or not to come back. The important part is to work on yourself during your time apart so that you can be in the healthiest place when/if they return.

What can you do to work towards better responses to someone with BPD?
What type of reactions to your pwBPD do you think you need to address better?

Hey Tattered Heart! 
You are right on this. My therapist told me I dont have control over anyones life but my own. I am doing radical acceptance and doing mindfulness exorcises.

My ex and I had a lot of problems of miscommunication, stupid arguments which resulted in "jading". We both assumed too much. I want to be a more understanding person and validate her without her feeling hurt. I need to be more patient when she is in crisis mode. My reactions of being hurt when she says false things, or certain toxic things. I need to know words are words and they only are said in that moment and she is saying them when she is hurt.

I wish I knew all these tools during the relationship and make her feel loved and secure with me. I did the best I could but not the proper way to how people with BPD handle conflict.

I wish I could show her all these changes I am making.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: juju2 on April 04, 2018, 12:24:34 AM
Hi C

I am trying c.c., which for me is controlled contact.

We can call, text, email.

And for myself, I was always the pursuer, so if he wants to initiate an activity, I am not going to decline.  I will meet up w him.  His choice... .He doesnt know that, and has asked about us meeting up, and hasn't arranged anything.

What made me go c.c is 10 days ago he said he was in a r/s.  Before that, him and i were in couples counseling, we were going on coffee dates once a week.  Before he said he was in a r/s, he started cutting back our time at the once a week coffee... .

So after processing his changed status, his cutting time w me, I texted him that i would accept texts, phone calls, and emails.  Wasn't going to go to any more counseling, or coffees.

The first week, he called, texted, emailed.

Here we are tuesday nite, and we haven't seen eachother in two weeks as of tomorrow.

After reading about r/s in a book, I see that he is withdrawing.  I need to back up in order to protect myself, and focus on my life, and how i want my life to look.  It's hard.  Very hard.

This whole r/s has been a roller coaster, and for 10 years, I didn't have any tools.  It's only this last year that i have a start on what his illness is.

One of the last times we talked, he said his new psychiatrist said he doesn't have BPD anymore.  She said he has ptsd.

That hit me as strange, because our couples T., who has experience w BPD, told him at our 2nd appt that she could see his BPD.  (He told her he had that at our first appt in November last yr.)

Anyway, n.c. doesn't work for me.  It's too extreme.

That is just my opinion... .



Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 04, 2018, 12:40:03 AM
Hi C

I am trying c.c., which for me is controlled contact.

We can call, text, email.

And for myself, I was always the pursuer, so if he wants to initiate an activity, I am not going to decline.  I will meet up w him.  His choice... .He doesnt know that, and has asked about us meeting up, and hasn't arranged anything.

So after processing his changed status, his cutting time w me, I texted him that i would accept texts, phone calls, and emails.  Wasn't going to go to any more counseling, or coffees.

After reading about r/s in a book, I see that he is withdrawing.  I need to back up in order to protect myself, and focus on my life, and how i want my life to look.  It's hard.  Very hard.

This whole r/s has been a roller coaster, and for 10 years, I didn't have any tools.  It's only this last year that i have a start on what his illness is.

One of the last times we talked, he said his new psychiatrist said he doesn't have BPD anymore.  She said he has ptsd.

That hit me as strange, because our couples T., who has experience w BPD, told him at our 2nd appt that she could see his BPD.  (He told her he had that at our first appt in November last yr.)

Anyway, n.c. doesn't work for me.  It's too extreme.

That is just my opinion... .



Hey JuJu

I think there is a lot of misconception with NC. NC in my opinion means going NC until the person who has left you has contacted you. This is my understanding of it. If my ex does message me I will reply. There is a lot of bad advice out there saying you dont reply and ignore that person for a certain amount of time which is terrible. the "30 day nc rule" is terrible too. However, she has not replied to my messages I last sent since end of january. And we have been in NC since. Besides bumping to another on campus. 

In your situation, I believe you are doing the right thing by going nc/cc until they approach you. You do not want to be an option that is on the back burner for them. Im proud of you for your decision to put your needs and wants first. 

A lot of Coach Craig Kenneth has helped me as well as this group. Hopefully his videos help. I wish I knew the tools of BPD as well during my relationship.

Its terrible news that he maybe possibly misdiagnosed with PTSD. It doesnt hurt to have another evaluation by a different therapist? 

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: juju2 on April 04, 2018, 12:48:22 AM
Thanks for your response.

I agree there is a lot of misconceptions out there.

At this point, I feel like have nothing to lose, only upside.  He tests me, the 3rd day, he texted, then called, left v.m.
to see if he could drop by our house, he left 75% of his things at our shared home, and said he needed tools for his upcoming contract job.

I just said, texted, sure, house is unlocked, if you would text me when you leave.

Then i get home, the main things he wanted, he left on the couch.  So I texted him, that i left his things outside if he wanted to pick them up.

he came over and got them, I didn't go outside.

I just sense that me showing respect for myself, no matter what happens in our r/s, me respecting everyone, including myself, will be a very good thing.

I am taking this one day at a time.

Appreciate so much the support here.


Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 04, 2018, 12:51:22 PM
I think im going to email her and reach out. idk i wrote the email out but idk if i should send it

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: Jessica84 on April 04, 2018, 01:43:14 PM
What would your email say?

Something light may work better than a pour-your-heart-out email. Those only pushed my guy further away. I've had better luck sharing some piece of news with a quick text or email - promotion at work, some mutual interest or news about a friend. Or I would forward some article of interest to him. These kind of contacts put no pressure on him to respond, but made it safe for him if he wanted to, since it was nothing too heavy. Good way to test the waters. I followed his lead, based on how he responded. If he ignored, or only wrote back a generic "thanks" "ok" or "that's nice", I left it at that. If he followed with a question, I answered. If he seemed receptive to continuing the conversation, I replied more... .

Re-opening a line of communication can be a slow journey.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: zachira on April 04, 2018, 01:55:12 PM
There is no way to predict how another person will behave in a certain situation, though past behavior is very predictive of future behavior. I would say that sometimes the no contact will make the BPD partner more desperate, and likely to do anything to resume contact, and/or to increase destructive self defeating behaviors which include trying to resume the relationship at any cost. What can possibly work is that the no contact will work to drive the BPD away, if the former partner communicates over and over again that the relationship is really over through ignoring all attempts by the BPD for resuming the relationship and really means it. The problem is that the non BPD partner is rarely ambivalent about the past relationship, and misses some aspects of that relationship, so the BPD partner feels that eventually they will get their former partner back if they try hard enough.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 04, 2018, 02:07:55 PM
What would your email say?

Something light may work better than a pour-your-heart-out email. Those only pushed my guy further away. I've had better luck sharing some piece of news with a quick text or email - promotion at work, some mutual interest or news about a friend. Or I would forward some article of interest to him. These kind of contacts put no pressure on him to respond, but made it safe for him if he wanted to, since it was nothing too heavy. Good way to test the waters. I followed his lead, based on how he responded. If he ignored, or only wrote back a generic "thanks" "ok" or "that's nice", I left it at that. If he followed with a question, I answered. If he seemed receptive to continuing the conversation, I replied more... .

Re-opening a line of communication can be a slow journey.

Hey Jessica! I already sent the email actually, it is written in here if you would like to check it out and I would love your feedback. I did do a bit of both actually. I am starting to regret it, and should have waited until response from all of you first... merp. However, i personally feel this may better resonate with her. Im not sure.

Another reason i didnt try the short light hearted update with her was because she could see right through it. And i tried it right after the breakup and landed back on my face.

https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=322908.50 (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=322908.50)

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: Jessica84 on April 04, 2018, 04:23:56 PM
Hey, you know her best! pwBPD may have similar traits, but each is their own unique person. Each relationship is different. So if you think it will resonate with her, it just might. Don't second guess yourself, or take any advice here as gospel. You weren't rash, you thought it thru, and hit send. Good for you! Hope it turns out well   

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 04, 2018, 04:52:23 PM
Hey, you know her best! pwBPD may have similar traits, but each is their own unique person. Each relationship is different. So if you think it will resonate with her, it just might. Don't second guess yourself, or take any advice here as gospel. You weren't rash, you thought it thru, and hit send. Good for you! Hope it turns out well   

Thank you Jessica! Thats very nice to hear.   Im new to this BPD thing and am doing my best. I know she wont reply to the email but I think it may warm her up over time and may cause some thoughts for her to start painting me white. hopefully.

usually when im blocked on all forms of communication but school email, she would read my email and then unblock me but still not reach out. it sucks knowing they wont reach out first. She even mentioned she has too much pride and ego to reach out first.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: isilme on April 04, 2018, 05:14:56 PM
I hope you hear back soon.   

Dealing with BPD is all a process, and we have to be the ones more adaptive, as they can't easily see how they contribute to communication problems and drama.  You have to feel it out as best as you can - like Jess said, you know her best and what works with her. 

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 04, 2018, 10:58:04 PM
Thank you iSlime

I hope I know her. Or I used to know her. Because it feels like I don’t know her anymore. This is the longest we’ve been apart. I hope she didn’t see the email and just snide and feed her ego.

She has BPD but I feel like she is different. She acknowledges her behavior. Before we knew she had BPD she mentioned she had abandonment issues. She mentioned that she has too much pride to apologize and come back after a breakup. She even has a side blog where she talks deeply about her feelings and she would write “I only ment to bring you closer but it pushed you away”. When we broke up for.a month before.
Are some people with BPD as aware like this as my exBPD? She would even tell me when she is saying those nasty things she can’t control herself and it “just happens” then she feels horrible seeing the texts she sent. I think that’s why she deletes her texts after a fight so she doesn’t Be reminded and get shameful.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 05, 2018, 09:11:27 AM
Hey everyone, Im going to make this thread a continuation from this https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=322908.50 (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=322908.50)

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: Tattered Heart on April 05, 2018, 09:13:59 AM
I was just thinking of something that might help you get a better understanding of what could be going on in her mind. pwBPD often have a  fear of engulfment  (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=281066.0;all). I'm not sure if that's what happened in your specific situation, but it's possible that she just felt too overwhelmed with feelings, so to combat that fear of losing herself in you, she may have pushed away and cut off emotion.

Overall though, what can you do so that you are not thinking of her constantly? Can you go hang out with friends? Get out into the community? Exercise? Just get out and do something for you without worrying about her response or anything about her.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 05, 2018, 09:24:27 AM
I was just thinking of something that might help you get a better understanding of what could be going on in her mind. pwBPD often have a  fear of engulfment  (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=281066.0;all). I'm not sure if that's what happened in your specific situation, but it's possible that she just felt too overwhelmed with feelings, so to combat that fear of losing herself in you, she may have pushed away and cut off emotion.

Overall though, what can you do so that you are not thinking of her constantly? Can you go hang out with friends? Get out into the community? Exercise? Just get out and do something for you without worrying about her response or anything about her.

hmm, that makes a lot sense. We broke up because she said I was "needy" which didnt make sense to me at first. And I have been working on that since the breakup. But I supposed people with BPD feel "neediness" on a different scale than non's. Hopefully my email didn't come off as this but whats done is done.

I have school which doesn't help much because it makes me think of her more and I end up walking past her. I have the gym and friends there which helps a lot. But I have not gone in almost 2 weeks. I was going religiously right before that but it seems like I lost motivation. I am hanging out with more people trying to stray away from thinking of her the best I can. The obsessive thoughts aren't as extensive as they once were. But I still have the longing feeling for her which Im trying to overcome atm.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 05, 2018, 10:07:08 AM
starting to kick myself in the head. Ive been watching a lot of the "get your ex back videos" and they all suggested to send a playful message. i did not do that and now Im thinking this was the final nail in the coffin.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: Jessica84 on April 05, 2018, 10:26:33 AM
CryWolf - you didn't do anything wrong. Your email is the opposite of needy, it conveys you are letting her go, but in a gentle, supportive way that lets her know you still care. Please don't watch those videos or read articles designed for non-BPD exes. These will confuse you! I made the same mistake. The problem with the advice on those is it doesn't address the core issues - the disordered thinking and dysfunction of BPD. Maybe that advice works on healthier people, I don't know, but it can trigger all sorts of crazy behavior with someone w/BPD.

Give her space now while you work on you. Try to get back into your life routine, rediscover old hobbies, have some fun. Distraction helps. You don't have to suffer to heal. You can take it a day at a time... .and grow stronger each day. 

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 05, 2018, 11:48:29 AM
Thank you Jessica84!

yes I have been watching those videos extensively. And switching from this site to that, it is driving me crazy. As well as taking advice from other friends who have no idea about BPD relationships. I can see what added into what have caused her to feel invalidated.

Thank you for the reassurance. I will be working on myself, and can only have wishful thinking and hope at this time. I still have the fears that she painted me black like her ex, and I will never come out of it. But I have to accept it and let it go.

She is the most stubborn and prideful person I know so Im not sure if she will come back or if I hurt her too much. I also dont know if she likes someone new or not because I stopped checking her blog and she has a lot of male friends who i dont find as a threat but idk. I never know with this girl. For example, we text and make plans. then pick her up and she gets in my car looking mad and irritated. silent and not talking. 45 minutes later talkative and happy. Im just venting now .

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: Jessica84 on April 05, 2018, 12:09:46 PM
Being painted white is no picnic either. Impossible standards. If I'm a saint/goddess/perfect... .then any mistake is a slight. Forgetting to ask for no onions on his burger can send him into a rage. Or after a breakup, being painted white translates to I'm too good for him, I should move on. I wish he had grey paint, that suits the "me" I know better - doing my best, but flawed, a mere mortal. Instead, I go from black to white and back constantly.

Oh well, it washes off.  :)

Let her paint you any color she likes. You know what color you are!

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: once removed on April 05, 2018, 05:39:39 PM
"no contact" is a tool for detaching from a failed relationship. it is not a tool to rekindle a relationship or get someone back.

its a very different thing than giving space or letting go of someone who has requested that we do so. its a very different thing from a timeout in an ongoing relationship.

it is a mentality, and a boundary, for a person who is trying to detach, is in a fragile state, and is unsettled (or very unsettled) by any contact with an ex.

more here: https://bpdfamily.com/content/no-contact-right-way-wrong-way

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 05, 2018, 07:26:18 PM
Thank you for the lesson Once removed. My exBPD was the one that wanted no contact. And I only wanted to implicate it to give her the space and time to miss me and hopefully see that she misses me and come back. Either way it was what she wanted.

We did have talks during the relationship where she knew I was feeling abused and unheard and I would bring it up to her and she would tell me she didn’t want me to be with someone that’s abusive. I told her I didn’t care and wanted to try. I think she knew I was hurting and led to one of the reasons we had to cut ties.

I wish I knew all these tools before. I wish I could go back in time to make things better and show her how loved she truly is and she is my better half. I wish I didn’t invalidate and jade her and push her away.

We were each other’s best friends and did everything together. Now we are nothing. Sorry for the sad post. The weather finally cleared up and birds chirping and all I want to do is spend it with her. But all I can do is wait for a miracle.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 05, 2018, 09:33:34 PM
UPdate: after night class I sat on the bench outside. Then later she walked by with her friends and classmates. Looked at me and kept walking. We didn’t make eye contact.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 06, 2018, 02:37:13 AM
Its like I dont even exist in her life anymore. She used to be so happy and excited seeing me when we were together. Now Im nothing. She doesnt write about me, talk about me. nothing.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: starlight66 on April 06, 2018, 05:34:11 AM
Howdy Crywolf.

This is my first post, but I have been following your posts and story. I have personal experience with a romantic partner and have been recycled.  My comments are based on my own experience.

No one knows what the future holds, but I think the odds are significantly in your favor that your ex will split you white in the future.  It's part of the illness and part of your history with her.

There is something I would like to say to you.  If and when your ex comes back into your life you will both look back on this time apart and how you both acted.  If you have acted with dignity and strength it will be a very strong asset going forward.  If she can trust you to be a strong man for her while you are apart, it will give the best chance for the future.

A strong person respects himself and his partner.  I think your ex is asking for space.  With the greatest kindness I think you could respect her space better.  Talking to her classmates, sitting on a bench after class are all invasive - you are pushing towards her.

I think she needs you to withdraw - to give her the genuine space she needs at this time.  If you open the space it may allow her to eventually move toward you.  In my case in took 18 months, then 7 months, then 2 months - but each time she came to me.

During the time apart I became focused on improving my life.  I almost became aggressive with it - I wanted to be the best and strongest man for the future her. The first separation I initiated contact for about 9 months.  The other separations I did not initiate contact, but responded to her on the rare occasions she contacted me, and I worked hard during each separation. 

During the last two separations I did not try to show her anything or tell her about my improvements - I trusted the odds were in my favor that she would come back to me and she could discover how I had improved for herself. And if she didn't - I had still improved.

It is very hard for you because she is your first love.  It has been hard for me each time as well.

I think she will think about you much more than you will know.  I think you can get through this time apart and prove to her you can be strong with her, and strong without her.  I think she needs this from you.

Remember each person is different, but give yourself the best odds.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 06, 2018, 11:40:21 AM
Being painted white is no picnic either. Impossible standards. If I'm a saint/goddess/perfect... .then any mistake is a slight. Forgetting to ask for no onions on his burger can send him into a rage. Or after a breakup, being painted white translates to I'm too good for him, I should move on. I wish he had grey paint, that suits the "me" I know better - doing my best, but flawed, a mere mortal. Instead, I go from black to white and back constantly.

Oh well, it washes off.  :)

Let her paint you any color she likes. You know what color you are!

I can relate so well... One time I put lemon in our sweet tea and she went berserker mode because we never do that and I just wanted to try something new. She started accusing me of doing it with another girl and confusing her for her. =_=

Many times she does ask me "what do i see in her" or "i deserve someone that can truly make me happy" and "it wont be her and she cant give me what I want and Im just settling." or she would even tell me "this relationship is so toxic and Im just with her because im lonely" or "ill leave when someone better comes along"

I know what color I am! But I think she might be telling her classmates bad about me now. I was walking to my car last night, and when their friend group split up, the friend group she wasn't walking anymore with kept looking back at me. So annoying. Keep in mind we are in college. Im 24, but this feels like a 16 year old relationship now.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: GD39 on April 06, 2018, 11:55:32 AM
I've gone NC a few times, once after a really bad fight/break-up.  It "works" in terms of him coming back and he's all sweet and sorry about everything, but nothing really changes.  NC just seems to trigger his abandonment issues and as soon as you are "back together", the same issues that were there before start to come back.  I'm working on trying other approaches to our issues.  Time outs/breaks from each other seem to help, but there is much more work that needs to be done on both our parts.  He's not really open to doing anything now, but I've started going to a 6 week BPD Education group and will be starting individual counseling this week.  I've also joined a monthly support group they are offering that will start soon.  I'm hoping if I can at least adjust how I interact with him that it will help some.

What area of the country you live in? I ask, because I believe I tried doing that six weeks thing, but it was not available in my area. Is this the NAMI program? If not, could you forward me the information?

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 06, 2018, 12:23:23 PM

This is my first post, but I have been following your posts and story. I have personal experience with a romantic partner and have been recycled.  My comments are based on my own experience.

A strong person respects himself and his partner.  I think your ex is asking for space.  With the greatest kindness I think you could respect her space better.  Talking to her classmates, sitting on a bench after class are all invasive - you are pushing towards her.

Hey Starlight66  
Thank you so much for your post and I'm honestly honored you took the time out of your day to help me. Your words are so very positive and encouraging and I hope you to continue to post on here.  

I understand I am being a bit Invasive, although her classmates are also my classmates and friends I am a bit trying to "manipulate" the situation instead of letting it flow organically or trying to find "answers" to soothe my anxiety. I am finding excuses to include myself in anything that involves her which I should stop. Thank you for putting things in perspective for me.

There is something I would like to say to you.  If and when your ex comes back into your life you will both look back on this time apart and how you both acted.  If you have acted with dignity and strength it will be a very strong asset going forward.  If she can trust you to be a strong man for her while you are apart, it will give the best chance for the future.

I think she needs you to withdraw - to give her the genuine space she needs at this time.  If you open the space it may allow her to eventually move toward you.  In my case in took 18 months, then 7 months, then 2 months - but each time she came to me.

I think she will think about you much more than you will know.  I think you can get through this time apart and prove to her you can be strong with her, and strong without her.  I think she needs this from you.

Remember each person is different, but give yourself the best odds.


I am trying my best to become a strong and confident person. Her ex still stalks her to this day and she is absolutely afraid of him. Thats the last thing I want to do or seen as.

I am scared of space because I constantly think that space will help her move on, and possibly find someone new. Although these are all possibilites like Once removed says and it wont affect my chances, its just scary because I keep comparing my situation to when her ex and her broke up and she fell for me. She told me how happy she is with me, etc. And my insecurities think she will find someone else and do the same. She even tells me "out of sight, out of mind" or "i dont like space, i will move on and find someone new". And finally, she says "how she never chases or apologizes". So i always think I have to make the first move which most of the time I do. I hold these words to heart and I need to let it go, and its only meant in that moment.

 A part of this fear is after reading so many stories on here about how "BPD people dont want to be alone, and will move on to the next one and say the same thing and lovebomb and act like a victim". 85.6% of me knows my ex is not like this but reading the same thing everyday gets very detrimental and exhausting that you start believing it. You start to wonder if they had other people lined up behind your back. And all these fears come in my mind. I am doing more on working on this and accepting whatever happens, happens. i also read a lot on here that people with BPD rather start new than with their ex because of the shame and guilt they feel. Everything I read and hear Internalize unfortunately.

As well as watching all these relationship videos 24/7 for the past 4 months and advice on here it gets so confusing. But like Jessica84 beautifully mentioned, those videos cant really be applied to our partners.

I really need to work on myself and be that strong person for her. Im at the point right now, where I replay so many scenarios and moments and wish I did things better. I wish I was more available when she needed someone in her moments of crisis. I am scared she thinks I was never there or was a "___ty" boyfriend. I am too self critical on myself and my therapist brought this to my attention. I have to be so "perfect" and want to be like a Ryan Gosling.  

Thank you for your post, Starlight66. Hope to hear more from you. I need to start implementing being a strong partner for her. I want her to know i care and love her but I think she knows i do.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 06, 2018, 12:49:49 PM
To add on, I keep blaming myself because I turned into a “beta” like male. I stopped driving all the way to her house and had her meet me halfway and she would always do that because my family moved about 10-15 min further. She would still agree to meet me. I stopped working as much and had to focus on my classes which meant I had no real money and when I did it was going to car maintenance or credit card bills or gas and groceries. I still would take her out when I could but we either split it or I would pay it. I would apologize when she had to pay and would tell her I’m her partner and want to always provide for her and that I’m sorry I cantat the moment. She was okay with It but overtime I’m sure it tiring. She also wasn’t working but had money saved up. Of course this affected our relationship and I keep telling myself why would she comeback to someone like me? I love her so much but school got in the way of so many things and being stressed about my gpa and getting into pharmacy school made me extremely anxious that I put it a priority before her. It was like this for the last 6 months of our relationship. And I think all she will associate me with is these times.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: Jessica84 on April 06, 2018, 01:39:32 PM
CryWolf - you are being too hard on yourself. It's great that you are reflecting on things you could've done differently, so you have better insight going forward, but you cannot change the past. It's ok. Forgive yourself. We have ALL made mistakes here. Part of being human, and not knowing the best ways to deal with this disorder. It's not an exact science, there's no one formula. What bothers them one moment, may not bother them the next. What works one time, may not work the next. It's like shooting a moving target. So it doesn't matter what she is thinking, feeling or even what she's saying to others. What matters is YOU. How YOU feel, how YOU plan to heal, doing what makes YOU happy. For once, make it all about YOU. Put lemons in your tea and enjoy it!  :)

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 07, 2018, 01:23:52 AM
So it doesn't matter what she is thinking, feeling or even what she's saying to others. What matters is YOU. How YOU feel, how YOU plan to heal, doing what makes YOU happy. For once, make it all about YOU. Put lemons in your tea and enjoy it!  :)

You’re so right! The whole day I did things for myself! I have been doing a lot better in my mind and not being in a cloudy fog all the time.

But right now, the dark thoughts came back. “Is she seeing anyone, does she like anyone? Is she doing what we used to do with someone else?”

I need to be strong. Right now. Stop reading about people with BPD will move on quickly and replace you like nothing and cheat on you. I have to stop thinking all people with BPD are the same. And trust my partner is different.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: starlight66 on April 07, 2018, 04:26:08 AM
It's great you had a better day CW - it's a very good start !

About the past - I have not read one thing in your posts which is not recoverable in my opinion.

To concentrate on your GPA so you can provide for your loved ones throughout life is one of the strongest things a man can do.  Don't be ashamed of it - be proud of it.  If this isn't a definition of love, I don't know what is.

So you weren't perfect - so what. 

It's not your job to be perfect. 

It's your job to do your best in life, keep learning and keep improving.  It's your job to be a man who acts with dignity and has self respect.  There is no place for perfection in the real world.

If money is an area you want to improve, then throw your energy into getting a summer job or extra part time work when at school.  If fitness is an area, then do an extra set of press ups at the end of gym - Do it for you & do it for her.  Build on it.

You don't always have to feel strong and you shouldn't try to always avoid feeling weak and scared - it's your actions that count !  Let the bad feelings come and go.

If anxiety is causing you problems, or causing you to do things you later regret,  then be strong enough to admit it to yourself and seek medical support to improve as a person and a man.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 08, 2018, 10:44:38 AM

About the past - I have not read one thing in your posts which is not recoverable in my opinion.

To concentrate on your GPA so you can provide for your loved ones throughout life is one of the strongest things a man can do.  :)on't be ashamed of it - be proud of it.  If this isn't a definition of love, I don't know what is.

So you weren't perfect - so what.  

It's not your job to be perfect.  

It's your job to do your best in life, keep learning and keep improving.  It's your job to be a man who acts with dignity and has self respect.  There is no place for perfection in the real world.

If money is an area you want to improve, then throw your energy into getting a summer job or extra part time work when at school.  If fitness is an area, then do an extra set of press ups at the end of gym - Do it for you & do it for her.  Build on it.

You don't always have to feel strong and you shouldn't try to always avoid feeling weak and scared - it's your actions that count !  Let the bad feelings come and go.

Thank you for the motivating words Starlight
I know I did a lot for her that I dont think a lot of guys will do or tolerate. I am not trying to sound full of myself, but looking back now I did so much as well. Despite not always having money, I still would cook to make sure she ate. I would go out of my way and drop her off food from her favorite places. Even little things she likes just to make her smile. She has anxiety driving to the city so I would always offer. I know things she likes and things she doesnt like. One time, I was so broke in my life, car wasnt working, no job but I scraped every coin in my house and surprised her with food, borrowed grandparents car to drop off food for her, just to see her happy and surprise her. Buying her clothes. Her happiness was a priority for me.

I used to remind my ex, "dont my actions mean anything?" Moments where she thought I didnt love her, etc. I would remind her "why would I be doing all this for you/us" her response was always "who knows, i dont know your true intentions"

I need to stop blaming myself for things I didn't do, but also reflect on things I did do. I guess my insecurities are "i didnt do enough" or "i wasnt good enough" and think the next guy is going to be her "dream guy" and do everything I couldn't amount to. This is self destructive thinking I know. And i'm putting her on a pedestal. I wonder if she will ever realize everything I did for her and miss me?

I picked up two jobs! One job which helps me for my future when I go to grad school. When I got the job, I tried helping my ex find one too since we are in the same career profession. It seemed like she was a bit jealous of me. I started feeling that vibe from her. I was growing so much last semester. Doing well in my classes, hanging out with family and going places with them more.

I finally paid off my credit card bills! I feel so happy about this. The ironic thing is, when me and my ex aren't together I tend to have more money in my pocket than when i'm with her.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: starlight66 on April 09, 2018, 07:02:47 AM
Again every individual is different - I think she would realize how much you have done, or will in the future.

Is it possible she was/is worried about engulfment ?  Think hard - from a different perspective, although its impossible to know for sure. 

Kudos for the jobs.  She will notice when you shift focus to other things like work & she may get curious.

And it will be great if it turns out she was worried about engulfment, because it could turn things upside down for her.

But if engulfment wasn't an issue, it will still show her you are strong and getting on with life - always an attractive quality.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 09, 2018, 06:46:41 PM
Again every individual is different - I think she would realize how much you have done, or will in the future.

Is it possible she was/is worried about engulfment ?  Think hard - from a different perspective, although its impossible to know for sure.  

Kudos for the jobs.  She will notice when you shift focus to other things like work & she may get curious.

And it will be great if it turns out she was worried about engulfment, because it could turn things upside down for her.

But if engulfment wasn't an issue, it will still show her you are strong and getting on with life - always an attractive quality.

When Tattered Heart first mentioned it and sent the link, things made much more sense to me. But I hope I don't misunderstand.

Reasons why I think she may have been engulfed, one time she told me she was lucky to have me, Im all she has, or even that I was a dream come true and she would think this was too good to be true based on her relationships with other people, ie friends, ex, parents. I was always there for her, listening to her, encouraging her to talk and express herself.

Leading up to our breakup: End of october it was her bday and she travelled with her father to a family wedding out of state. We texted all night and were cute with each other and i was keeping her company. She came back and said we should go together and travel there and she wants to take me to this restaurant there.

November comes, and school gets so stressful. She gave my bday present 2 weeks before my bday. This was suspicious to me. I asked her why so early? and she said "im not sure if we are going to see each other then" My birthday is on thanksgiving and we have a week off then and I somewhat understand her view. But I did invite her over for thanksgiving and she never gave me an answer. She started hanging out with her female bestfriend a lot, and i did become a bit jealous of her time. She was texting less, and less affectionate and I was becoming anxious. She did invite me one time to get food with her friend around midnight but I couldnt due to having early morning classes. I kept trying to see her and she would say "we'll see" or she was busy with papers and projects for school. I felt so pushed away, and she was putting her bestfriend before me and just pushing me away. I tried kissing her a few times when we saw each other and she would pucker her lips in, so our lips wont touch. It made me feel like something was wrong with me or she didnt love me anymore. I didnt know why she was doing this. I felt like she was slipping away and i was getting anxious.

Then the week before my birthday she told me she couldnt hang out anymore after hanging out with her friend and she had to do her reports for school. I said "if you dont want to see me anymore just say so". we then argued and she said Im always assuming"

She stopped replying and I asked later that night, ":)o you want to work on this relationship or are you leaving?" Next day at school we walk past each other and our class is side by side, she awkwardly smiles.

She then texts me 20 minutes after class started and said "Leaving". I said thank you for everything and my goodbyes. And then she says "I meant leaving class... .but okay keep assuming what you want" and "I told her you cant say leaving, after I ask if your leaving the relationship" She proceeded to tell me how Im a great guy but we should be friends, and I told her i didnt want that. I want romance and intimacy. She said she will never see me romantically again. She said I was needy and that shes sorry I didnt get enough affection growing up from my parents. This hurt me so bad. We argued. She told me to think about. I told her I didnt want to be friends but Ill try, and she said that means I cant do anymore romantic gestures for her. I told her no promises because I love her still. I asked her, "how is it so easy for you to cut this off?" She told me, " this is going to hurt me too" A couple days before my bday we tried being friends and I asked if she wanted to come over and would have and said "i would really love to come over but it was late and her parents wouldnt approve" and it was like we never really broke up...

Then my birthday came. She didnt have money but I took her out and we went to one of the first places we went when we first started dating. She got so happy there. We were making plans to go to a state in the north and travel there for spring break, etc. Then we took pictures together and walked around and it was such a beautiful happy moment.

Then we left, and i told her I had somewhere to be. She became anxious, and asked "where are you going?" And i told her, "thanksgiving dinner with my family remember?" I took her home, and then when i drop her off, she says "she wanted to meet my 1 year old baby brother".
I didnt know if this meant she wanted to go to family dinner now or what, but before that she told me her family was having dinner themselves. So im not sure what she wanted. but we made plans to see each other after dinner. However at dinner, it ended a bit late and I had to wake up at 3am to work a 12 hour black friday shift. She packed me food from her family dinner and really wanted to see me but we promised we will after I get off work. During my shift, I sent her a picture and she said "yesterday was a mistake. I knew I shouldnt have hung out with you. You cant text me like that" and i told her how much i love her and its hard to just revert to old ways. Then we argued for a week or two and she asked me if i wanted to be friends and I told her "no, I couldnt see her with someone else when i have feelings for her and it would be a disservice to both of us. I didnt want my friendship to be phony for her when i want more" . We argued (pleading) a few more days, told her we can be friends (to keep her in my life) but she said "no i gave you two chances" then she said "im done with you".  

Sorry if this is too long or being repeated again but I wanted to try to include every detail so nothing gets misinterpreted and get outside opinions on the situation. Thank you for all the help and if you made it this far.


Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: starlight66 on April 09, 2018, 10:06:53 PM
Ok... .so she said she thinks you are needy. 

The good news is I can only see positives if you now give her space and focus on advancing your life.

By shifting your focus from her, it proves you dont need her. 

You may still want her, but this is a very different mindset.  Wanting but not Needing is a very strong mindset, and is opposite to neediness.  People will start to notice a difference in you - she will also.

Honestly, I really don't think the small details matter much.  Just concentrate on going forward to redefine yourself as someone who isn't needy.  And remember the odds are in your favor.

Title: Re: Does no contact work with BPD partners?
Post by: CryWolf on April 09, 2018, 10:26:18 PM
Ok... .so she said she thinks you are needy.  

The good news is I can only see positives if you now give her space and focus on advancing your life.

By shifting your focus from her, it proves you dont need her.  

You may still want her, but this is a very different mindset.  Wanting but not Needing is a very strong mindset, and is opposite to neediness.  People will start to notice a difference in you - she will also.

Honestly, I really don't think the small details matter much.  Just concentrate on going forward to redefine yourself as someone who isn't needy.  And remember the odds are in your favor.

Thank you for your response, and I couldn't agree more. I am doing my best to give her this space. Plus I dont have a choice because Im blocked on everything and she has this "out of sight out of mind" policy. Forcing myself to go out so i can stop thinking about her. These past two days she's been on my mind less and less. Its making me afraid because i think this will be it. . The urges to check her social media are a lot less, sometimes I want to check but I know it wont get me anywhere and sets me back. The thoughts and fears of her seeing someone else ruminate but I push it aside right when it comes and accept it could be a possibility.

Im feeling a lot better, and I tell myself the possibility she wont come back and i did my best. Im trying to accept it and move on because i just dont want to wait for something that might not happen. She is the most stubborn and prideful person so I accept it. Right now, my focus is on myself. Im doing everything me and her used to do but myself. All the plans we made but myself. Im also posting this on my social media and Im sure she sees it.  

Title: Re: Does no contact work in order to get an expwBPD back if they left you?
Post by: CryWolf on April 10, 2018, 01:05:32 PM
I noticed that my anxiety sky rockets when I go to school due to the possibility of seeing her. That guy she mentions on her blog(friend) came up to me today before class and gave me a fist bump.

Today after class, I decided to go a couple food places me and my ex went together but myself. I sit alone and take pics and am become better at just being alone. I’m also taking pics and posting them on social media. Hopefully she sees it and sees that I’m living my life and happy. I remember her mentioning her ex one time when we were together and how he fell rock bottom, so I’m sure she keeps a tab on me too. She even told me during one of our breakups that she doesn’t know if this is what she wants and that she might regret it one day.

Oh and she still has a picture of us on her Facebook.

Just venting right now. Thank you to anyone reading and replying.

Title: Re: Does no contact work in order to get an expwBPD back if they left you?
Post by: CryWolf on April 10, 2018, 06:30:21 PM
UPDATE: nothing major happened. Me and her friend who is also in my class talked for a bit before class, small talk. Then I sat next to him in class, our class is super small Nd so many open seats. He was showing me pics of his hobby, etc. later I asked him a question and it was about dating and he said “he’s not interested in dating and probably not for a long long time”. So that kind of soothes my anxiety about him not having anything going on with my ex. I really think they are Friends and if they were talking/dating, he wouldn’t be so nice and friendly to me. He wouldn’t talk to me before class either or greet me. I gave him a ton of  info about myself like hobbies, interests that I still don’t think he still knows who I am. I asked if he wanted to follow each other on social media and he agreed. We walked and talked after class because our classes are in same building and then he gave me another fist bump before he left for class. I really wanted to bring up “oh do you know ____(my ex)” because they are in same class but I know this would only cause more problems and would get back to my ex that I’m asking about her. I was so anxious and wanted to ask but I didn’t. Proud of myself but still anxious about my ex and if she moved on.

I ask myself. Why am I trying to get close to this guy? He seems nice and is very friendly. He gave me gum before an exam. Maybe he can be a good friend. But I don’t want to come off as I’m just using this guy for information which kind of seems true. I guess what I’m hoping for him to mention my ex to me first. Or waiting for any sign to find out she’s with someone else. This isn’t good because it’ll happen if I think like this and unconsciously make it happen. I want to detach so my ex comes back but at the same time I keep drawing myself to anything that involves her. I’ve already sent that Email to her and it’s only been a week. She is so stubborn and prideful that she “has to make a point” and I think she’ll just find someone else rather than get back with me. All speculations of course but my assumptions.

Title: Re: Does no contact work in order to get an expwBPD back if they left you?
Post by: CryWolf on April 10, 2018, 08:19:38 PM
Wow to add on to my other posts, I thought I didn’t need to update again, BUT

after my night class I walk with my classmate and we bump into another friend. We talk and I see one of the other guys/classmate my ex talks about on her blog. He’s sitting alone. I use the restroom, then get done before my friends and sit in one of the couches next to him, it was the only seats and ask “if it’s okay I sit here” he said yea. At this time I became a bit anxious and I didn’t want to make it awkward because I know my ex most likely talks bad about me to him so I wanted to introduce myself and come off as nice. She has made posts about her friends giving her advice. Not sure if I made a mistake and my ex finds out and thinks I’m a stalker or whatever. Our school is just very small. She did see me talking with my friends so I doubt she would think that. Idk. I did introduce myself to the guy and now I know who both guys are, and one is a classmate/friend while the other idk and just didn’t want to be awkward.

Some girls walked by from my class and we were laughing and joking and I think he might tell her so it’ll be good on my part.

I say “oh hey I think you were in ___ class and I didn’t formally introduce myself when __ mentioned you” (from last week when I bumped  into my classmate that’s in my ex class which is the other guy she talks about on her blog”

He said oh no problem and we shook hands and he told me his name. My friends come out and we are just talking there for a bit.

 And then my ex walks past us, she sees me and turns her head and walks out.

I’m surprised she didn’t go up to other guy that she keeps posting about on her blog like they are close. She just walked out and didn’t even acknowledge him and I’m thinking if they are such close friends wouldn’t you say bye to another?

Then my friends and I leave and the guy comes after us and is picked up from someone. I became so anxious and built scenarios in my head that 1) he was waiting for her. 2) he was waiting for us to leave so they could meet up.

I really want to detach and get away from the situation but everywhere I go something occurs. I could have ignored him and honestly it’s my fault for introducing myself and this could be a huge backfire.

Thoughts? This sounds like high school. Lmao

Title: Re: Does no contact work in order to get an expwBPD back if they left you?
Post by: starlight66 on April 11, 2018, 05:48:15 AM
You did well CryWolf.  Heck - you are in the same school so you shouldn't be hiding.

It's good you got insight about the other guy and it eased your anxiety, but I wouldn't make a habit of this with every new guy she's friends with... .because there is a danger she could interpret this as you being weak. 

But it also proves she hasn't been talking about you to these other guys much.

Anyway, sounds like you were on an even level with these guys.  Keep it that way and don't suck up to them.  Remember to always act from a position of strength - even if you have to fake it for a while.

Good you are doing things by yourself and posting pics.  Have you thought of trying something completely new that you didn't discuss with your ex ?  Something that would really take her by surprise and maybe get her curious ?

Title: Re: Does no contact work in order to get an expwBPD back if they left you?
Post by: Inko51 on April 11, 2018, 06:35:30 AM
I last had a text from my exgirlfriend on the 02 Feb 2018 - she dumped me suddenly as often appears to be the case, but we continued to text one another throughout Jan 2018. This was frustrating as her texts were so up and down. One minute she was nice and then she was complaining about all the things I'd allegedly done wrong. I became emotionally exhausted after a while and suggested some temporary space, so she then said, "I would never hear from her again and she was now blocking me everywhere". And she did. So my NC is a forced I guess, so maybe not quite the same.

I did reach out with a few letters in Feb 2018, just saying she was important to me (she accused me of not caring about her) and they were all friendly (even included a drawing of her dog which I had not had the opportunity to give her). I did not hear anything. The final letter I sent just said, 'I would now not make further contact, but should she ever change her mind then she knows where I am and wished her well for the future'. So I would say in real terms the NC for me started from the end of Feb 2018. Heard nothing! Actually, not strictly true, as a few days after my final letter I received a phone call from the police saying she did not want any further contact and a clean break and in their opinion it was best to leave her be otherwise it could stray into legal issues. I therefore have no option but to be in NC, which was my plan anyway. Hence my final letter. I felt I did all I could and to this day I don't even know why I was dumped in real terms. Deeply in love one week, dumped a few days later. Such is life!

I too don't understand the 30 day rule which is peddled out there. If someone has dumped you, then the reaching out should really come from them however long it takes. From what I read from the more reputable coaches, it is about your own value and if you break NC, then the other person (dumper) remains in control and if the relationship resumes (and don't get me wrong I wish mine could), it would start from a position of unequality as the dumper has done nothing to fight for you back and therefore your value remains low. We tend to value what does not come easy to us.

Looking forward, assuming breaking NC works and she does return, I guess there is also the distinct possibility that being dumped again becomes a reality and I would imagine in the back of your mind you would worry that it could happen again if someone is so readily able to dump you. This would make for a stressful existence. Again to me this just reinforces why the dumper needs to remain the lead on any reconciliation. I also read that if they (dumper) does not make contact then you can rest assured no other method would have worked anyway. So NC is a win-win really. If they truly love you then they will return, but if they don't then you are better placed having healed yourself to a degree, to then move on. My texting period did not help at all in my opinion as borne out. 

Title: Re: Does no contact work in order to get an expwBPD back if they left you?
Post by: starlight66 on April 11, 2018, 07:20:47 AM
I agree with others on this site & I can't see NC doing anything much long term without personal improvements being made.

However, the big positive is it stops someone chasing and stops engulfment of a BPD; which really is just about self respect and getting strong again.

I would also say not initiating contact, but being prepared to respond, is quite different to NC.

Title: Re: Does no contact work in order to get an expwBPD back if they left you?
Post by: CryWolf on April 11, 2018, 09:44:01 AM

Good you are doing things by yourself and posting pics.  Have you thought of trying something completely new that you didn't discuss with your ex ?  Something that would really take her by surprise and maybe get her curious ?

Yes! I picked up a nice camera to focus on photography. It’s something we both were into but never really discussed and not had the money to get into before. I did promise her I wanted to buy her a camera because I want her to be engaged in things she loves. I still want to do this for her one day but the time isn’t right at the moment. Even if I may never hear from her again, I want to get it for her, I know it sounds dumb but I genuinely want to do something loving for her even if it’s at a losing point from my end. I started taking more pics of nature and scenery. Showing I’m traveling again and exploring without her. I want to show her I’m living my best life with or without her. I did post a picture of a pretty underrated popular book I started reading and I was never really the “reader type”.  I started going to music shows again and posting that.

Completely new and out of the blue? I’m not sure to be honest. I am planning on possibly going on a trip to Europe this summer. It’s somewhere I always wanted to go but not compared to her. She always dreamed and is obsessed with traveling there. Maybe this will make her amazed. Also have a trip coming up with some friends to Disney world.

Any ideas on what I can do new? I have been thinking of doing charity work!
 These are my current hobbies/interests: gym/basketball,  photography, working on starting clothing brand (she was supportive as heck), cars are a hobby (one she didn’t like), I like trying new food places (same with her), trying to get back into hiking (she loves hiking).


However, the big positive is it stops someone chasing and stops engulfment of a BPD; which really is just about self respect and getting strong again.

I would also say not initiating contact, but being prepared to respond, is quite different to NC.

Yes, after seeing her last night my brain wanted to go after her and talk. This is  what usually happens after each break up. But my body fought the urges and stuck to the seat. I was so proud of myself for not going after her. I want her to feel safe and secure with me and that I’m a strong and confident man she wants to be with.

I am 100% sure she will never initiate contact again  she has her pride and ego in the way and I think i really hurt her by not wanting to be friends and the Jading. I’m an learning to accept this fate.

I too don't understand the 30 day rule which is peddled out there. If someone has dumped you, then the reaching out should really come from them however long it takes. From what I read from the more reputable coaches, it is about your own value and if you break NC, then the other person (dumper) remains in control and if the relationship resumes (and don't get me wrong I wish mine could), it would start from a position of unequality as the dumper has done nothing to fight for you back and therefore your value remains low. We tend to value what does not come easy to us.

Looking forward, assuming breaking NC works and she does return, I guess there is also the distinct possibility that being dumped again becomes a reality and I would imagine in the back of your mind you would worry that it could happen again if someone is so readily able to dump you. This would make for a stressful existence. Again to me this just reinforces why the dumper needs to remain the lead on any reconciliation. I also read that if they (dumper) does not make contact then you can rest assured no other method would have worked anyway. So NC is a win-win really. If they truly love you then they will return, but if they don't then you are better placed having healed yourself to a degree, to then move on. My texting period did not help at all in my opinion as borne out.  

I’m sorry about your situation, Inko. When a pBPD leaves us, we feel so broken and empty. Like a hollow shell. It takes time to find that inner peace and self worth again. Or at least in my case it’s something im still working on. I hope you are recovering well and thank you for posting.

I couldn’t agree more with you! This is something I have been studying and understanding since the breakup. I think the 30 day rule is utter BS. It takes longer than that for a person to make genuine changes in their life and you can’t put a timeframe on someone missing you. I learned that exes are never 100% sure when breaking up and my ex wasn’t sure either. She was wishy washy.

The person that does the breakup has to be the one that comes back and it’s their idea. Otherwise if you constantly go back to them you lose respect for yourself over time and you become devalued. I felt this way and in the back of my mind was constantly afraid of when is the next break up. I also feel that if someone doesn’t respect you they don’t love you, and I would tell my ex this because it was how I felt a lot of times.  

Thank you for sharing that thoughtful and well written response, Inko  

I guess my fears are: she will never miss me and come back.

Title: Re: Does no contact work in order to get an expwBPD back if they left you?
Post by: Inko51 on April 11, 2018, 11:25:11 AM
Thanks Crywolf, I do really hope it goes okay for you. Yes, I can fully understand that fear of thinking she won't miss you, but I do remember reading somewhere for someone to truly miss you then you have to remove your presence completely.  And completely agree, if someone does not respect you then it's hard to imagine they love you. I don't know whether you have seen the You Tube videos of Dating Guy. He has a good one on NC and explains it really well (link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3U0qJ6jej0&t=1s

It's such a shame we have to engage in tactics such as NC and the like, but we are left with very few options as a dumpee. I did start to read all this breakup material and even downloaded some of the materials (paid for!), but then I kind of got to thinking, if I am having to do all these strategies and almost become someone else and not authentic in the process something is clearly wrong. Personally I now believe the only effective way is to go NC to at least give recovery time if nothing else.

I feel it's really too late for me now sadly as I think I messed up big time by engaging in texting and letter writing post-breakup. I can't help feeling if I'd have gone NC when she first instigated the split, well, I probably would not need to be writing this now. It's also sad that we feel nothing has changed, but for them it has.

I now get okay days and rubbish days. Today funnily enough is the latter. But I always come back to the notion I gave it my best shot.

Title: Re: Does no contact work in order to get an expwBPD back if they left you?
Post by: Tattered Heart on April 11, 2018, 04:05:06 PM

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