
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Parent, Sibling, or In-law Suffering from BPD => Topic started by: Ilovemydog on April 21, 2018, 06:18:22 PM

Title: New
Post by: Ilovemydog on April 21, 2018, 06:18:22 PM
I’m 15 years old and have a uBPD mother. I live with my dad, sm, and autistic twin brother. I haven’t seen my mother in at least 9 months because I absolutely refuse to see her. I have Trichotillomania and ADHD. Because of my ADHD it’s harder for me to remember all the terrible stuff my mother has done to me. I believe she uses my ADHD to her advantage knowing I sometimes forget some of the stuff she’s done to me. She doesn’t respect I don’t want to see her. She has never been to any of me or my brothers school meetings for 8 years claiming she’s always “busy”. She’s turned everyone on her  side of the family against me except for my cousin who also shares the same issues as me with his mother. He also believes she has uBPD. I always feel so alone and that know really gets it. I try to talk to my friends about it and they usually brush it off. Not all of them, but the majority do.
I just really need advice.

Title: Re: New
Post by: Harri on April 21, 2018, 07:42:05 PM
I am very sorry to hear that things are so difficult for you right now, and it is great to see you reaching out for help and support - a very brave and scary thing to do!

Unfortunately, our site requires the members to be at least 18 years old.  There are resources for teens of the type you're seeking. Please check out:
Your Life Your Voice


I would also like to encourage you to talk to your school counselor or school social worker about your struggles right now.  Having a person to confide in can be very helpful.  I wish you well in your search.