Title: Stages of grief, I'm all over the board Post by: Secret Celeb on May 01, 2018, 03:23:18 PM Lesson 1 - Stages of grief (https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=37613), I'm all over the board.  :)epends on the day, the hour, the minute. I have no idea where I'm going. I have no road map. My goal is to survive day by day. I can't think any further ahead than one day. This sucks. I feel like a fool. I feel like I was scammed. I feel like I was taken for granted and manipulated in a way that I didn't think was possible due to my own profession.
Abandonment Cycle- I'm in SHATTERING I don't know how to heal. Lesson 2 - I still can't grasp the "situation". I don't know how to disengage. How can I begin to heal if I can't wrap my head around all of this. I feel like I need a life coach. Or someone that I can contact anytime my ex reaches out to me or every time I have the urge to text her. Today is not a good day. It's her birthday. One year ago today, she proposed to me on her birthday. Tonight I'm supposed to go to a concert. Tickets I bought for her birthday. Obviously we aren't going together but I'm dreading going period. Title: Re: Stages of grief, I'm all over the board Post by: Shawnlam on May 01, 2018, 04:26:05 PM Everything you are feeling is perfectly normal in a sense ,how long officially have you been apart?
Title: Re: Stages of grief, I'm all over the board Post by: once removed on May 01, 2018, 04:26:50 PM you will get through this.
you may not have ever experienced anything like it before. most of us hadnt either. frankly Secret Celeb, i was a basket case for a long time. slowly but surely, i healed. it really does get better, but i wouldnt have believed it at the time. youre in good company to do that healing. I feel like I need a life coach. Or someone that I can contact anytime my ex reaches out to me or every time I have the urge to text her. i recommend finding a good therapist who is well versed in BPD. it comes highly recommended around here. its especially good in conjunction with a good support group like this one. its also great that youve started looking at the lessons to the right of the board. theyre an excellent roadmap through this, and they address most of the complicated questions we tend to arrive with and experience throughout our journey. it will help to ask these questions on the board as they come. and as you do, it will help to share more of your story with us, what brought you here, and how we can best support you. Today is not a good day. It's her birthday. One year ago today, she proposed to me on her birthday. Tonight I'm supposed to go to a concert. Tickets I bought for her birthday. Obviously we aren't going together but I'm dreading going period. days like that are really tough. is it a situation where you are going to have to interact with her? do you have the option not to go? Title: Re: Stages of grief, I'm all over the board Post by: Harley Quinn on May 05, 2018, 05:08:35 AM Hi Secret Celeb,
How are you doing at the moment? Did you go to the concert? We're here for you when you need to reach out for support. You will be related to here. Each and every one of us is in our own stage of healing and we pick one another up when we stumble. Let us know how you're getting on. Love and light x |