
Children, Parents, or Relatives with BPD => Son, Daughter or Son/Daughter In-law with BPD => Topic started by: Angela123 on May 10, 2018, 06:19:32 PM

Title: Looking for advice to help recently diagnosed daughter
Post by: Angela123 on May 10, 2018, 06:19:32 PM
After years of suffering from depression and anxiety, my daighter was just diagnosed with BPD. Reading about BPD has been helpful as it describes well what we have experienced with her - impulsiveness, risk taking anfd going from happy and calm to raging within minutes. We want to get her the help that she needs but she has lots of anger. Is there any advice on how to get support / treatment for a loved one and also how to manage relationship with a younger brother. We are considering sending her to a 6 week inpatient program to try to hell her as quickly as possible. Wondering if anyone has any advice


Title: Re: Looking for advice to help recently diagnosed daughter
Post by: Kwamina on May 11, 2018, 06:56:05 AM
Hi Angela123 and welcome to bpdfamily

I am sorry your daughter is struggling with these issues, I can imagine how hard this must also be for you as her parent. Yet now that she has been diagnosed, you at least do have a clearer picture of what you're dealing with which can make it somewhat easier getting your daughter some targeted help. How old is your daughter?

When she got diagnosed, did the professionals also advise you about what they believe would be the best next steps for your daughter as far as treatment wise?

You mention your daughter having a lot of anger. Are there any specific things she's angry about? Do you feel like your daughter accepts her diagnosis and is open to getting treatment for her BPD?

BPD is a challenging disorder, unfortunately there are no quick 'fixes'. There are steps that can be taken though which potentially could help your daughter better manage her BPD. There are also steps you can take yourself by focusing on your own behavior and how you respond to her. I encourage you to take a look at the tools and lessons in the right-hand side margin of this board as they can be very helpful in interactions with a BPD child.

Take care

The Board Parrot.

Title: Re: Looking for advice to help recently diagnosed daughter
Post by: Feeling Better on May 12, 2018, 07:45:06 AM
Hello Angela123

I would like to join Kwamina in welcoming you here where you will find lots of help and support.

Kwamina has already pointed you to the right  |--->
May I suggest that you take a look at Lesson 5 Therapy methods and inpatient/outpatient venues.

Here also is a link for you:

Wishing you all the best x