Title: Starting to hate my EX. Post by: In a bad way on May 13, 2018, 07:19:13 PM Nearly two years no contact, she promised me the earth. She failed to deliver, I am not the first.
She is just a serious not right. Ill or not she knew. Is the no contact because she is ashamed? Strangers treat me better. The things I told her would happen because she had zero control over her children are all coming true. She made her bed, she can sleep in it. She is drinking herself to death, her problem. Her kids dad controls her and she won't stand up to him even with my help, he is a w**ker, I'm not even started let alone finished with him yet. I am angry. He thinks he won because he succeeded in splitting us up which was his plan. He is living under a false sense of security,(probably because he thinks I have forgot) my justice will come. He will not know until it happens. You need to read my 50,000 word book to understand. Title: Re: Starting to hate my EX. Post by: Turkish on May 13, 2018, 10:43:09 PM The things I told my ex would happen while she was living with me came true. That there would be DV, and that a r/s with an affair partner, whom she married, wouldn't succeed. It made no difference, she plowed ahead.